I haven't seen a doctor since my surgery 4 yrs ago.

My surgery was out of state and I don't know where to start. I need to get labs done but should I find a baratric surgeon to check me out and will he check me out? I never got to my goal weight which was 135, I stopped at 143 and have since gained 15 pounds. Should I find a PCP thats familiar with weightloss surgery. Only DR. I have seen has been my GYN. So I guess I'm asking which DR. do I need to see. I would love your input and if you know of any physicians in SF bay area let me know. I live in Vallejo, Ca    — TTT (posted on July 27, 2009)

July 27, 2009
I had my surgery when I lived in Massachusetts, but moved away from there at one year out from my surgery and have always just gone to my primary care physician for all my followup, testing, etc. I've experienced no complications and because other than a slight weight gain since your surgery (I'm assuming no complications, because you mention none), your PCP should be adequate for all your followup. Although I'm in California, I'm not familiar with any Bay Area physicians. However, I would find one associated with UCSF if I were you. Teaching hospital doctors are going to be more up to date on the latest research and methods and be better trained in my experience. My surgery was done at Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston, which is a teaching hospital for Harvard Medical School and all my doctors were there, including my PCP. My father had his hip replacement done at UCSF and the quality of care was top rate. Just my experience with teaching hospitals . . . :). If you live near one, avail yourself of their care.
   — rebalspirit

July 28, 2009
I live in SF and had my surgery with Dr.Greg Jossart at Cal.Pacific Medical center. He will give you a list of all the post op labs you need to have checked.Most pcps don't know all the tests that you need.I'm a nurse and work with post-op WLS patients and we don't get the complete testing needed post op-when we are followed strickly by their primary care MDS.I frequenly call primary care MDs to educate them. So see a surgeon at UCSF or Dr. Jossart at Cal Pacific.Either would give you good care.
   — gay_

July 28, 2009
Hi, I agree with Gay. As a primary physician myself I know most docs are unfamiliar with what wls patients need (and that includes those in teaching hospitals), but any of them willing to listen and put forth the effort to learn from a bariatrics surgeon, nurse, or nutritionist should be able to succesfully assist you. I suggest you start with a bariatric surgeons office and if they won't see you since they didn't do the surgery then try to find a pcp that is open to learning. Kevin
   — hapkidodoc

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