How do you know you need a fill in the band?

I'm four months post op and have lost almost 40lbs but seem to be slowig down now and I was wondering if I might need a fill? My MD has done one yet to my rate of wt. loss should I move my appt. up to see if I need one or wait to later this month as schuled. Thanks for any input. tmweible 284/245/130    — Tina Weible (posted on June 11, 2007)

June 11, 2007
Hi Tina, First of all, everyone is different when it comes to having your band filled. As for me, I've been very aggressive at keeping my band as tight as possible, sometimes to the point where I couldn't keep anything down. I've gone so far with it that a couple times I had to have it deflatted completely and give myself a couple weeks to let things settle down before starting to refill it a little at a time. It hasn't been easy and I've put up with quite a bit of discomfort at times. But it has enabled me to lose over 150 lbs. and now that I'm close to my goal weight I have it adjusted to were I'm comfortable and yet can't eat to much. I'm currently at 4 and 1/4 cc's. At one time I made it up to 7 cc's which ended up being way to tight for me. Anyway, as I said everyone is different and it's something you'll have to play with a little. I've had mine adjusted about 12 different times in the last 2 years so good luck and best wishes. Bill B.
   — billyblaine01

June 11, 2007
Hey Tina. I think at 4 months out, it's high time to go ahead and have a fill. I waited until 3 months out to get my first one (like you, I was losing, so why bother?) but I have always felt that was a mistake, and I should have gone ahead and had one sooner. Remember, as we lose weight, we also lose restriction, and the sooner you get started on the "tweaking" process, the less chance you have of seeing the weight loss slow and stop. Just my opinion based on my experience .. we're all different, of course! Good luck.
   — Jeanie

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