Anyone have any experience with bruises under the toenails?

I have not changed shoes, routines or damaged them in any way. This has been going on for 6 months now. Some are small, somever cover the whole nail. Which I end up loosing.    — Sherry B (posted on April 23, 2007)

April 23, 2007
You need to check with a doctor, you could have a fungus and what you think is buising is not. Good Luck, Diane
   — Diane C.

April 23, 2007
I had a similar experience after returning back to work after 3 wks post op. I bought a new pair of shoes that seemed to fit fine. But I ended up with big bruises (hematomas under each great toenail) Had to go to the podiatrist where he lanced it and allowed the excessive fluid to drain out. Then he put me off work for 1 wk to allow them to heal. Ended up losing both great toenails. He recommended new shoes, which I got and have not had the problem again. Bought New Balance walking shoes. They were over $100, but well worth not having to take time off work again. Maybe as you are losing weight, your feet are changing and you are jamming your toenails into the end of the shoe. The problem can be compounded if you have any type of neuropathy (numbness) in your feet from diabetes. Lack of B-12 can affect the nerves in the legs and feet as well.... go to a podiatrist though... that should be your first step... pardon the pun... LOL...
   — Kari_K

April 23, 2007
I also had this & it was when i changed to new sneakers.. my show size changed but not as much as i thought.....My dr. says my whole walking gate has shifted so i need to wear full tie shoes for a heals... best of luck. I also find i do bruise easily now than i did before.....but i had work up done & the dr said its not an issue for me ..but check with of luck... Barbara
   — babs810

April 24, 2007
haven't had this problem since the surgery but I do know other who have encountered it and it may well be more of a walking /shoeissue them one related to the surgery...If you did not purchase new walking sneakers after having surgery to do your walking that we all should be doing this could be the culprit. I have done Marathons in the past...Yes when I was heavier but haven't done one since the surgery due to work schedules and training restrictions(not enough time to train well enough to do it). But during my previous training many friends who had not had surgery but wore the wrong size shoes got lots of blasck toes and lost many a nail. This is caused by the shoes not being big enough to fit your feet which after walking more than a mile or two usually tend to swell slightly thus your toes hit the end of the shoe with each step you take causing them to bruise. You may may ask won't my feet hurt if my shoes were too small , well do they hurt even slightly when you walk more than just here and there but put in the miles? Secondly they may not hurt because the increase in your foot size as you walk is so slight it some times is not noticable until you see the marks. . But then again don't rule out possible Vitamin Deficenys. Good Luck hope they get better!
   — jpcal

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