I've been having cramping on my legs where my calfs are and i read on this site that i may be lackin

potassium and that drinking some orange juice may help, and i thought we couldn't drink oj because it has so much sugar in it,can someone pls let me know if this will be alright i called my doctor this morning but was told he's off today my calf's have been cramping for a day in a half.    — TRACY D. (posted on October 9, 2001)

October 9, 2001
I'm no doc but I've always heard that bananas are the best source of potassium.
   — Meredith A.

October 9, 2001
The dr always told my grandmother to eat bananas. About the juice, everyone is different but I have never dumped on fruit sugar, only on refined (table) sugar. I don't drink a LOT of juice though because it has too many calories and goes straight through! :)
   — ctyst

October 9, 2001
I agree, the best thing for leg cramps are bananas. They have a ton of potassium in them.
   — [Anonymous]

October 9, 2001
I have the same problem a lot. Both bananas and orange juice help. As for the sugar, I agree with the other poster, the natural sugars do not usually cause dumping, just the added sugar. In "Sugar for Dummies", that means sugar grams in the Nutritional Values list under carbs are okay, as long as the Ingredients list does not have Sugar or High Fructose Corn Syrup. Fruits all have natural sugar, not any added. Give it a try. I'd just suggest going slowly in case your tolerance in unusual. Plus, I'd add that my nutritionist suggests keeping juice to 8 oz. or less a day.
   — Tracy L.

October 9, 2001
Some other sources of potassium: Kiwi (as much as a bannana), dairy products (if you can tolerate them), for added potassium there is a salt substitute which is all potassium, add it to foods that can be salted and you'll get more potassium than any food. Also there are potassium powders and such that you can have. Avoid any prescrition potassium that is time release. If you think your potassium could really be low, see a doctor, it's an easy test and low potassium can be life threatening. Hope this helps.
   — kcanges

October 9, 2001
I have this problem every time it is right before my vitamin b-12 injection. Like the other posters I eat a banana every day and I also drink a protein shake everyday to make sure I get enough. I also take 2 chewable vitamins and a calcium supplement with Vitamin D magnesium, Caltrate. I also experience muscle weakness, balance problems, thought process problems when it is time for my injection of b-12. I have changed with my doctors advise to every month and a half instead of every 2 months and don't seem to have a problem any more. All my blood tests every 3 months seem to be excellent. I am 6 months out and 120lbs down. Just talk with your doctor and let him know what you are having problems with. Good Luck. Debbie S.
   — Debbie S.

October 9, 2001
I have also heard that dehydration will cause cramping
   — mastrnservnt

October 9, 2001
I had some really bad ones (before surgery) and the doc told me what I should do to avoid them. (and I've posted this before, so forgive the 2x)... first off I explained to him my cramps always happened at night- I would be half wake, subconciously stretching my toes/legs and then I would feel my toes point and wham, diabilitating cramp, along with screams of agony! The only thing he said I could do at that point was to reach down grab my toes and bend my foot upright, and wait for the release. He aslo taught me to stretch them well before bed time, but rather than stretch by pointing toes, I needed to also do an achilles-like stretch (toes strait up) for as long as I can stand. Now (subconciously) when I go to stretch, I find myself doing it the proper way! Believe it or not, I have not had a cramp in probably close to four years. Pre and post WLS. PS- I am allergic to quinine, but it is what my Dad took for his cramps- Dr. prescribed.... I must have inherited his legs.
   — Karen R.

October 13, 2001
Well, I think the bananna thing is a huge wives tale that has survived many years! I get cramps in my legs (thighs & calfs) that make me SCREAM! I have almost called 911 on a couple of occasions! Heating pads work well to relieve the pain. Believe it or not, it may be some of your medications. My Prozac is what is the cause of mine. Unfortunatly, I would rather get leg cramps than not be able to leave my house. Check with your Pharmacist. Good Luck!
   — Julie M.

October 14, 2001
Another very important vitamin is magnesium!!! I also suffered from severe leg cramps, I purchased this vitamin at Walmart(it's combined with zinc) I chop it in my pill cutter, and should be combined with calcium(tums) Goodbye leg cramps!!!!!
   — Susan L.

October 14, 2001
When you feel a cramp comming on, put your weight on that leg and the cramp will subsit almost immediately. It Works!!!
   — Lana M.

October 14, 2001
I may have a solution for you. I have a pain relief center and I use this with myself and alot of my patients. When the cramp begins or you wake up in agony, use your thumb and index finger and squeeze the area of your lip right under your nose -you'll also be squeezing your nostrils shut at the same time. This works instantly -every time. Another suggestion I use with my patients is to take liquid minerals--I don't know if you can take these after surgery mixed in a protein shake. I am having my surgery on Nov.14th an I know I intend to use the liquid minerals every day if I can. I don't know if I am allowed to give my web site where we have the minerals at wholesale for our patients but if so, it is... Good luck with the squeeze. Teri [email protected]
   — Teri C.

January 22, 2002
I don't know if you found an answer yet, but I found that the OJ does work in helping with the cramps. Instead of getting the regular oj get Tropicana Low acid it has 450mg of potassium and 22grams of natural sugar no refined sugars or preservatives. it taste great and i drink at least a glass a day and i feel just fine no cramps at all.
   — Liz M.

May 3, 2002
My doctor put me on potaasium supplements immediately since my surgery Feb. 7th. You should check with your doctor asap.
   — Chris C.

May 3, 2002
I would not do OJ. Too much sugar, as you thought. But there's no sugar in OTC potassium supps. Please be careful with them and don't just grab a handful, because potassium has to do with your heart, as well. Use them wisely
   — vitalady

October 9, 2002
You should always check with your doctor in a case like this, but potassium is the likely culprit. You need to make sure, first of all, that you're drinking enough water! Lack of hydration WILL cause potassium level issues. Also, I had to change over to liquid potassium, magnesium, and calcium. I use Liqui-K and Liquid Calcium. It's made by TwinLabs. I also keep in my arsenal homeopathic quinine pills (made by Hylands). I get those pills at Walmart, and the liquid supplements at the Vitamin Shoppe. However, I find that lack of water is usually the reason my legs cramp up. Best of luck to you.
   — lisachris

April 10, 2006
If you are getting a full blown calf cramp/ charlie horse worh on ONLY wiggling your toes. Stay immobile, sit or lie down, and slowly wiggle. I almost drowned myself after I got a charlie horse in my calf in a pool- my roomate had to haul my head out of the water it hurt so bad.
   — penthilisea

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