I stopped depression, blood pressure medication and coffee.

I wonder if my body is going through changes from stopping these medications. I used to drink several cups of coffee a day maybe not having caffiene regular could cause headaches. I am drinking a lot of fluids as much as my stomache will hold. Down 22bls from July 22.    — Toby2 (posted on August 15, 2008)

August 15, 2008
I am not sure about all of your question, but I do kow frequently Doctors wean patients off anti-depressany medications slowly to avoid unpleasant withdrawal side effects.
   — Gina S.

August 15, 2008
Well there it is! Your headaches are caffeine withdrawl! You definitely found the reason...They hurt! But hold out a few more days and they will stop completely! Good for you stopping your meds! I'm so happy for you and wow! 22 lbs! Way to go! Hugs
   — .Anita R.

August 15, 2008
Do NOT stop your anti-depressents without the supervision of a doctor. You can get very ill!
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 15, 2008
I stopped one of my antidepressants but could not stop Cymbalta because it helps my pain so much (could barely walk on my feet without it) but when I stopped coffee I had headaches for four days! You go through alot of changes stopping SSRIs. Everyone reacts different - but it is usually at the least uncomfortable. Rise
   — nofrogs29

August 15, 2008
Caffeine is categorized as a drug and as such, if you stop using it, you have withdrawal symptoms... ie- headaches. I have to have my cup in the morning or I will have a horrible headache all day. It is the only caffeine I drink, but I have to have it... therefore, I am addicted to it. If you choose to stop drinking it, it will take as much as a week sometimes for the headaches to stop. Good for you. Congrats on having to stop your antihypertensive drugs.... that is wonderful. I am a little concerned about you stopping your antidepressants. Is it because your doctor told you to discontinue it or because you wanted to? It is very important to NOT abruptly stop these on your own. They have to be weaned very slowly under the guidance of your physician/psychiatrist when your emotional state is stable. I am also a little concerned because I know in speaking with you personally that you were a little depressed after surgery and it was only a few weeks ago. Everything's ok then? Your body is going through massive changes after your WLS both emotionally and physically. By the way, how is your diabetes? Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

August 15, 2008
sounds like your having caffen withdrawl is what I call it, a lot of people get headaches when they stop drinking caffineated drinks, (can't spell-sorry). and you had surgery on the 22nd of July? that is my birthday....take care. kscena
   — kscena

August 16, 2008
I haven't had any WLS surgergies yet, but I can tell you from experience that when you stop drinking caffeine altogether, you will most likely end up with headaches. I stopped drinking soda a while back, because I knew it would help me start losing weight, and for at least a week, maybe two weeks, after I stopped, I had a headache almost daily. After your body is used to not having the caffeine, the headaches will stop, that I am sure of. Hope this helps at least a little! =-D
   — mommydragon2

August 16, 2008
caffiene withdrawal will definately give headaches, as well as shakes. Need to decrease gradually or use tylenol to wean yourself
   — Donna O.

August 17, 2008
Great you are getting off meds and coffee, but do it slowly and verify with Doc. You will also need to be on a powerful "liquid" vitamin / mineral supplement like VEMMA. Your body will need all the minerals it can get. And VEMMA great for depression. Go to Vemma also has 1000 IU of vit D3.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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