What if.....

Okay y'all take it easy on me here. I am 8+ mons out RNY, and have never been able to do the 30 minute rule thing after eating. I preach it! I do, but I don't practice what I preach. Now, I don't guzzle big swigs of anything. Don't blow this out of proportion, Just a few sips to get the food taste out of my mouth. I never have had hunger since day one. I don't remember what hunger feels like. I still get really full with little food. So Satiety has not been a problem. I am at a standstill with my weight-loss and analyzing why? I guess my question here is, did anyone else do this little cheating, and NOT plateau? Thanks Guys!    — lesleigh07 (posted on August 14, 2008)

August 14, 2008
I am a good preacher of the 1 hour rule. You are lucky that you doc said 1/2 hour, but you are long past where that swig of liquid is going to hurt you. Why they tell us this is because it can cause dumping. Washing the food from most peoples pouch just causes them to eat more. I, like you measure all my food, eat my meal and then and only then take a swig of water to get the taste our of my mouth. Otherwise I would want more food. I have hit plateau's but I do npot beleive it was from the sips of water following the meal. I am 8 months out and have hit a big one. It is not the first time. You body is use to what you are feeding it but it is holding on. I find that I do well to spend a extra 1/2 hour in excercise a day for a few days, and changing my foods out to something different, just to trick my system. I one time eat a meal of 50% carbs, and I never eat hardly any carbs since I was allowed in at 6 months, but one day on and then off them tricked my system into losing again. You are fine, and eep preaching as not everyone can get by with those sips after a meal without eating or dumping.
   — William (Bill) wmil

August 14, 2008
Hi Leslie long time no talk...I have an answer to your nutritionalist told us in the 3rd month that we could sip small sips during meals so sip girl just don't over do it. I'm in my 4th month and have lost a total of 170 pounds since i started my journey. I feel wonderful. Thanks for all your support in the past!!!!
   — bridgetann1961

August 14, 2008
Next week, I'll be 8 months post-RNY and just getting over a big plateau. I analyzed my eating, and it came down to too many calories and carbs. I switched back to yogurt for breakfast (instead of cereal) and cut out crackers... and got back on the treadmill. I suggest using for a couple days to get a true picture of what you are consuming. If you aren't exercising, get to it. A sip of water after your meal isn't going to do any harm, but keep it to a sip... you don't want to push the food through too quickly.
   — gonnadoit

August 15, 2008
I'll fess up! I was TERRRIBLE at the 30/30 rule. (2nd and 3rd years out) I do follow it now (more often than not) but what a struggle! I get sooooo thirsty after I eat...I have had to set timers to stop myself...I have weight gain issues when I drink with my meals...I do not stay full long enough and find myself grazing (eating more frequently) This is one of my biggest obstacles along with night time snacking. I try not to eat very salty food....but that doesn't always work out. I found that a little piece of juicy fruit (like a small plum or a few grapes) is a GREAT thirst buster for til I can finally drink again! (or gum or the time it takes to suck on a SF hard candy) It's a hard urge to fight...but do the best you can! It's a good rule to make a habit of and really hard one to break...I'm doing it...but it's not easy for me always! So we've got to fight the urge, you and me! Do your best....Even when I go out to restaurants...I ask for my drink in a "to go" cup and set it across the table so I am not tempted to sip it....We usually walk in a store after dinner to walk off dinner...and when I get back to the car I drink my drink. I walk the dog after dinner at home and then drink ...That gives me a few minutes exercise and I can't break my drinking rules! LOL Then there are days I am too lazy to walk and stare at the clock, insane for my water! LOL
   — .Anita R.

August 15, 2008
I have found that thirty minute rule hard as well. I think it's mind over matter though. When I don't think about it thirty minutes fly by. Other times I just sit there watching the seconds tick by. As times goes on, it does get easier. I'm 19 months out, lost 140 pounds, and am no longer losing. Plateau's are common and continue to do what you are doing. Before you know it, you'll start losing again.
   — Tania_B.

August 15, 2008
Drinking after eating won't cause you to plateau or gain weight. If drinking after eating leads to hunger and that results in more eating, then you will plateau or gain weight. Just make sure you are drinking water or no calorie liquids. Best wishes,
   — mrsidknee

August 16, 2008
I'm 5+months RNY, I have never been able to eat without drinking either. It's just too dry for me. I just have water and sip occasionaly. I don't think it has anything to do with plateaus. I had a plateau and my nutrionist thinks it's because I'm not eating enough. I've started eating more calories and it's starting to come off again.
   — doreenh

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