I am having the open RNY can you wear a bra after the surgrey?

   — cc_heil309 (posted on June 20, 2007)

June 20, 2007
Hi Christy! The first few days after surgery, I was a bit swollen. I found my pants to be really tight, and forget trying to don a bra. That was me, but I have heard the same from others. I finally just wore a really loose caftan for the week after surgery. Afer a while, the swelling subsided. I guess you figure it is just temporary, so you go with the flow. I know it will be a successful surgery, and you will soon forget the minor inconveniences, just as I did. I am scooting over to make room for you at the loser's bench. I am rooting for you in all ways possible! Warm smiles, Pam
   — pjwilsen

June 20, 2007
Hi Christy: GOOD LUCK! I had LAP GASTRIC on 4/3/07 I wore my husbands white tank-tops under my clothes. It was more comfortable for the first 2 weeks ..
   — YVETTE121

June 20, 2007
hi christi, i had rny too and i wore my bra. its actualy up to you. i also wore a girdle to to keep my skinn tight for 4 months aswell. the tighter the better
   — yvettetas

June 20, 2007
I had lap gastric bypass. I wore a bra after surgery but only when I was in public. As soon as I got home or in my car, the bra came off.
   — barfiep01

June 20, 2007
Hi Christy, I too had open RNY and was not able to wear a bra due to my staples starting at my breast line where my bra would be. I am big chested so it might be different if you are not and have a smaller bra. I did not wear one until my staples were removed. Hope all goes well, keep in touch since we had the same procedure, maybe I can help you through some things. Peggy
   — peggypreston

June 20, 2007
Christy, I asked the same question of my Dr. He told me to bring in a hanky cause I am not a non bra wearing person... The jugs are large. The hanky was put over my incision so that my bra would not rub on it. No bra was not an option. I also got a good Exersize bra and that was better than my good old undewire. But I did not have staples. I just had internal sutures and just tapes across my incision. Good luck, keep that positive outlook and you will be great! Lori
   — motherof2boys

June 20, 2007
Hi Christy! I also had open RNY and didn't wear a bra for about 2 weeks. At first I thought as soon as my staples were removed I would wear one (staple line was on bra line) but found that I was still a little too tender. Then after 2 weeks I wore wireless "sports bras" for about a month. Then it was time to buy a new real bra because the old ones didn't fit.... look forward to it!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck!! :)
   — airbear762000

June 20, 2007
same as Aayrn says...wear comfortable sports bras until they get too big on you and then go buy some new ones! Woo Hoo
   — LouAB

June 20, 2007
I had Open RNY, wow - 6 years ago today, I just realized that it is my anniversary. Anyway, I also had a bowel obstruction at 18 mos. out and both times was cut from right at the bra line to the belly button. I wore a bra and it did rub so I just put a folded 4" x 4" gauze pad there and in a pinch also used a thin maxi pad, both worked fine and protected the top of my incision from being rubbed. I think it was about 2 weeks before I din't need to have something there. Good luck to you! Blessings!
   — ALF

June 20, 2007
The short answer is yes. If you have an open procedure, it may not be comfortable, but you can wear one. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

June 22, 2007
Christy, I had open surgery and there was no way I could wear my wire bras. So I went without the first week but was selfconsese of it. So I got a very inexpensive strechy bra at walmart without underwires. I have already had to take it up because the swelling did go down. But I only bought one because I'm afraid it isnt going to fit for long.
   — LadyAlways

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