Skin elasticity issues

I am 5', 251 lbs 32 yr old woman. I am in the pre surgery process and will be getting my surgery date somewhere around the end of June (if all goes well). I am excited about the changes ahead of me but I do have one concern. Skin elasticity and if other are experiencing hanging loose skin? I worry about this alot, because I have a large hanging stomache that I get rashes with now. I would just like to hear from others. Thanks for your time.    — dre_1974 (posted on February 24, 2007)

February 24, 2007
Well each person is different. As for me I am having problems with the skin already and I only lost 53 lbs. I cannot imagine what is going to happen when I am done with the other 150, but it isn't going to be pretty. Good luck, Diane
   — Diane C.

February 24, 2007
Hi Andrea! I would love to know what others have experienced with this as well. I have heard Lap Band is easier on the skin elastic issue because the weight comes off slower than the bypass, but your age may be a great benefit for you because you are still young. Which procedure are you going to do? I am 38, 5'10" , same weight as you and also pre-surgery going for Lap Band in Mexico for May. I already have a tummy issue because of 3 C-sections and the muscles were cut each time and scar tissue built around it..I was hoping to maybe get a tummy tuck and some new breasts if things don't get better after getting the weight down. Hubby thinks the breasts are a great idea and maybe I could get some that look like Anna Nicole Smiths! :) Men, gotta love em!
   — MBAat40

February 24, 2007
Hi, I am also goign through the process to have a lap ryn. i have talked to a cousin of mine who has had the surgery and said that if you drink lots of water and exercise that it will be better on your elasticity of your skin. Good luck and GOD bless you on your journey. Vanessa
   — Vanessa Dates

February 24, 2007
I am 5', 8", am 35 and was 262 going into surgery. I am 10 days post op (lap/RNY) and have lost inches and pounds like crazy. My stomach and the part above my belly-button below my breasts - both have been slimming along with the weight loss and inches lost - thus far. I have not had any childern. I am hoping it will continue :) Good luck! Currently 248lbs.....
   — jammerz

February 24, 2007
What a great question, and one in which the answers pose even more questions. I had LAP RNY 1/15/07, and I am so very pleased with my present outcome. My husband and I had talked at great length about the excess skin issues. My husband is a Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon practicing on the south side of Chicago. He is presently the Chairman of Plastic Surgery at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois. I had many questions for him about skin elasticity and shrinkage. He explains that the age of your skin is the determining factor in the volume of skin that can easily be it were...into your sleeker bodys. That is practically the only variable. The rate at which weight is lost does not make you skin any more or less capable of incorporating all that stuff back into you. Its not going to happen.There is a minor amount of skin that will tighten up....the rest will fall, wrinkle, move inappropriately in a slight breeze, and in ways too many to list....EMBARRASS us relentlessly. After my 55lb weight loss this past 6 weeks, I have evidence of such horrors with the run to the southern borders by my treasonous breasts. I didn't know skin could hang that low! I think that there will most probably some body tucks in our futures. And let me tell you quite seriously, that my husband is uniqely qualified to hand WLS patients....why golly...he's married to one of his own. He can be found on this website under Illinois Plastic Surgeons, and his name is DR Ramasamy Kalimuthu. Please feel free to consult with him about any of these topics. He is a concerned and compassionate surgeon. Best of Luck to all, Joan Kalimuthu
   — midaem

February 24, 2007
Hi! I am 16 weeks post op with a 50 lb. weight loss and about 35 more to go. I had a flabby abdomen before and it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I think you need to excercise, cardio and strength training....I go to Curves and I think that helps - many people work with a trainer. A trainer will target the core areas. I am going for physical therapy and many of the same exercises I am doing will work for loose skin, including an exercise ball for sit ups and abdomenal exercises. I cover the flabby areas with shaper garments and it looks like an instant tummy tuck! I don't think I can wear a bathing suit because my thighs are very jiggly...I don't know what will happen after the weight is off but whatever happens, I will deal with it. Anyone know a good plastic surgeon in NJ?????????????????????????????????????? I see lipo in my future.
   — Sheri A.

February 24, 2007
Document & take pictures of all & any rashes or anything else associatedly caused by the hanging skin from weight gain & losing. These documents May help you get your insurance to Pay for the Skin Removal (Plastic Surgery) after you lose your weight.
   — Michael Eak

February 25, 2007
I have lots of hanging skin, but it beats the fat!
   — Novashannon

February 25, 2007
hey there- I am 5'1 and started at 270....I am now a year and a half post op and have lost 120 pounds (currently 150 lbs) and the hanging skin is gross, yes, but not as gross as the obesity was. It is definitely worth it and let me tell you, the irritatiuon from the hanging skin is no where near as bad as it was because now we have more energy to take care of ourselves and also are not sweating as much- therefore not causing as much irritative bacteria to grow and thrive. Best of luck!
   — SaGa

February 25, 2007
I am almost 6 months out and last check was down 122lbs. Most of my skin has done well. My breasts are hanging and my stomach/belt area is hanging but it was hanging before surgery so I knew it wasn't going to magically going to disappear. I know that with my BC/BS if I document my sores under my stomach and my breasts they will take care of a tummy tuck and a breast lift (not implants). Good Luck
   — Lost4Ever

February 25, 2007
This is not an answer to your question but it might help in the meantime. I am pre-op and have issues with chafing and sores under my belly. My sister is a nurse and last summer I finally got over my embarassment enough to mention it to her. She told me that the bacteria that causes it is yeast so the treatment is also the same. She had me buy yeast infection medicine and rub it on the bad places. It worked! I had tried every kind of cream, powder and home remedy I could think of to no avail. Mine usually only bothers me in the summer and I put the medicine on in the morning and at night when I go to bed. Hope this helps! Good luck to you.
   — Carla_B

February 26, 2007
Well, I'm 26, 5' 6.5", & was 312.9 the day of surgery. I've had hangy skin for years, even before I gave birth to my daughter. I think poor skin elasticity runs in my family. Several people automatically assume that I won't need plastic surgery b/c I'm young, but I'm here to tell you I know for a fact that I will. I'm out 6 months & down 92 lbs, and the hanging is only getting worse! I had skin break down/rash under my stomach a few times prior to surgery. Now, it's happening more, and I'm even getting rashes right next to my armpits now b/c of the hangy underarm skin. When it's all said & done, I'll need my arms, breast, tummy, love handles, & thighs worked on. Dang near a whole body lift. lol My only problem is that I have Medicaid, and they only cover it if it's medically necessary. So, everytime I get a rash, I have to have it documented by my PCP. This is a problem for me right now b/c I can't see my new PCP b/c of a medicaid mix up. However, my surgeon called in some ointment for me, so I'm sure they have documented this first case. Hopefully, by the time it happens again, I'll be able to see my PCP. Good luck, and if you need to talk, I'm available!
   — byHizgrc

February 26, 2007
I am 40 and was 36 years old when I had my surgery. My pre-weight was 320. I am 5'6. I lost 130 lbs. I look and feel great! I do have some loose skin, but I am blessed with minimal amount. Even though, I do wear 3/4 sleeves because I do not like how my arm looks...BUT!!...I do much better than when I was heavy. Everyone is different. Get the weight off...feel better and then work on that problem if there is one in the future. Worrying is not going to help you at all. Just live and fix things when you get there. Enjoy the new you that you will discover....and God Bless you on your Journey!
   — TeeCee3546

February 26, 2007
I am 40 and was 36 years old when I had my surgery. My pre-weight was 320. I am 5'6. I lost 130 lbs. I look and feel great! I do have some loose skin, but I am blessed with minimal amount. Even though, I do wear 3/4 sleeves because I do not like how my arm looks...BUT!!...I do much better than when I was heavy. Everyone is different. Get the weight off...feel better and then work on that problem if there is one in the future. Worrying is not going to help you at all. Just live and fix things when you get there. Enjoy the new you that you will discover....and God Bless you on your Journey!
   — TeeCee3546

February 28, 2007
I am pre-op, but I already have this problem. I have a large tummy. When I get hot, I usually sweat under my breast & tummy. I always had rashes and it would burn. I finally discovered baby powder. Some of them break me out worse. The only one I can use is Johnson Baby powder, with corn starch. I will be cool & clean feeling even after working all day. It keeps me from sweating. But I am terrified about what my belly will look like if I loose this weight. Good Luck. Stacy
   — slhoffman

March 1, 2007
I just want to let you know that everybody is different. I am the same height as you & weigh a couple of pounds less. When I first started out I was 289 lbs. I am 2 months post-op & have lost 47.5 lbs. I started walking as soon as I had my surgery. 4 wks. after my surgery I joined a gym. I do water aerobice 3 times a week. They say water aerobics really tones your body. So far I don't have the hanging skin. My tummy was huge, but is really going down. I also use my ab-lounger (that really works). Good Luck & everything will work out.
   — carleenm

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