Could anyone tell me anything about Mini Bypass?

I have been thinking about getting gastric bypass for a year now and am finally doing the research. I came across a website of a Dr. in LasVegas who does Mini Gastric Bypass which only take 30min and is suppose to have less complications than the reg. bypass. Can anyone tell me if they have had this procedure or if you might be able to tell me about it or direct me to more info about it. Thanks 28yrs Old, 260lbs, 5'3    — julsfine (posted on February 5, 2007)

February 4, 2007
I had regular gastric bypass in November and at 52 years old, 223 lbs, I had no complications at all. You are young and probably won't have any either if you choose your doctor wisely. A regular RNY takes only 1 1/2 hours. You should always use a local doctor if possible that has a comprehensive program. If you use a good doctor there will be no complications or very few. This is a fairly simple operation.
   — Sheri A.

February 4, 2007
I have seen on the internet about the mini bypass. I dont know what they do differently from a regular gastric bypass. I has laposcropic gasric bypass on 1/16. Im 26 years old and I weighed 295lbs and my height is 5'5. I was only in the hospital two days. I was hoping to go back to work in one week but I didnt go back till the second week working half days (I do office work). I have already lost 29lbs. Other than being score, I'm doing great. I do agree with the other person about finding a local docotor with alot of experience. After 1 1/2 week of surgery I got sick and my side hurt really more than normal. My docotor was scared that I could have pulled my staples in my stomach. They wanted me to go to the emergency room in the town they are located which was 40 min away. My doctor was able to visit me. You will also have to go back for many check ups for the first year. Just do your research. I research the gastric bypass for one year before I decided to go ahead with it. Take care.
   — barfiep01

February 5, 2007
I have a friend who had a mini bypass a little over a year ago and I had lap rny May 06. I was told with that you dont have to deal with the malabsorbtion issues. She said they basically stapled part of her stomach instead of the whole thing. She hasnt had any complications neither have I. Her weight loss is alot slower than mine. Hope this helps.
   — tia24tx

February 6, 2007
I was considering the mini procedure too until the doc in Houston suddenly packed up and moved to Florida, he was part of the group you're talking about, I never could find out where they were trained or anything about the hospital they worked with, but then, Poof! he was gone! I'm happy I decided to go with a local guy who is a long-time resident here, he should be around later if I need him.
   — Sansabiel

February 6, 2007
Check the mini bypass doctors carefully. I recall regularly seeing concerns raised that this practice seems to jump around alot. Also, some have argued that the loop configuration of the small intestine (which, supposedly, has been changed over time) combined with the simple stomach stapling produces an weight loss surgery with fewer complications. However, I have spoken with at least one surgeon who felt that there significant medical risks from this procedure. Definitely check the NIH site to see if the government has studied this procedure. Then, read through google scholar to see if the procedure has been peer-reviewed in any medical journals. Then make the deicsion that is best for you.
   — SteveColarossi

February 7, 2007
Thank you everyone for your advice. I did some more research about the mini and liked what I found. Now you all have me a bit worried about it though. I liked it a lot because the recovery time is less and the weight loss isnt extremely fast yet you still usually lose all the weight with in a year. I also read that their instances of complications and death rate is a lot lower than the other surgeries. I will keep looking into it, but thanks everyone for answering. Again if anyone knows anymore about it from personal experience or by word of mouth I would love all the info I could get from everyone here:) Thanks 28yrs old, 260lbs, 5'3
   — julsfine

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