I bought biotin the medication that suppose to help with hair loss.

but when I read the labels it doesnt really say its for hair loss it is a supplement for carbohydrate and fat substance to help with skin and hair I bought the 5000mg. Is this okay I dont take alot of protien drinks maybe one can per day because I can actually eat food. should I be taking the protien drinks even if I eat and the biotin as well for my constent hair loss? please help    — evienicole (posted on December 18, 2006)

December 18, 2006
during my gbs research i came across biotin and when i went for my evaluation i asked the nutritionist about it. she said she doesn't really recommend it and that if you take your vitamins and get in enough protein like they recommend, hair loss isn't a common problem. the majority of people that have major hair loss are the ones that didn't get in the protein and vitamins like recommended. as far as should you keep drinking the shakes, it depends on how much protein you are getting in your foods. you need to keep good track of the protein content in your foods, then maybe at the end of the day have a shake to make up for what you haven't eaten. they make alot of protein powders that don't have a taste so you can mix them in anything you want, without the funky taste of the shakes. hope this helps, holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

December 18, 2006
I disagree with the previous answer. I have always gotten all my protein in, be it shakes or with food, and I went through a period of significant hair loss. It has now stopped. I am not bald but my hair got quite thin. My surgeon says that anyone who loses alot of weight rather quickly will experience some hair loss. It has to do with the shock to your body. Your hair follicles are on a 3 month cycle, so it will take about that long for hair to stop falling out and new hair to start growing. The biotin will not help your hair from falling out but it will encourage the growth of the new hairs. I have been taking it all along and my surgeon and dietician both recommend it. It was hard for me to lose so much hair, and I worried alot about it. But now that it has stopped falling out, it really is OK!! Keep your protein at whatever level your Dr. says and take the biotin.
   — Juldon

December 18, 2006
I too have to disagree with the first poster. I am almost 18 months out and have gotten in my protein daily, followed the vitamin intake recommended by my doctor and more, and still lost quite a bit of hair. My doctor said that it has to do with the rapid weight loss, hormone changes, etc. I too was told the biotin helps with the growth of new hair not the loss of hair. You will probably get a lot of different opinions on this as every surgeon has his view, but just know from someone first hand, who did the protein, vitamins, etc religously, sometimes there is nothing you can do but get through it. AND you will get through it. ANd look so much better!
   — Debbie M.

December 18, 2006
Nothing will stop the hair loss completely or even partly. like the previous posters the supplements will help. It bothered me that my hair was thin, so I bought a few wigs to wear. I have hair all over my head, but you could see the scalp on top. I found something called Jerome Russell at walgreens or a similar store and I use it most of the time. It covers my scalp and adds a lot of body. You have to experiment some to find how to use it. I've used it on dry and wet hair. I part the hair where its thin and spray it in the part, then part it again and spray it again, until it is hidden. since I've been using this, I hardly ever wear my wigs, except when I don't have time to do my hair. Its really helped my self esteem. My hair is dyed red,(grey otherwise) and the brown does better than the copper. It was too red. Hope this helps someone. I did notice doing a search, that they have something for thinning hair at around$12 a bottle, but what I bought was around $7 a bottle. didn't know they had the other product.
   — geneswife

December 19, 2006
I have done research and talked to doctors that specializes in exercise & nutrition. They have not proven that Biotin helps with hair loss, but there is evidence that it does. It certianly won't hurt you as it is water soluable vitamin. I used it and had no hair loss. Don't know if I would have without it, but it was something I didn't want to test. The most important safety against hair loss is Protein! It takes a while to deplete your system of protein, so it is important to get enough protien in from the start. Obesity Help recommends 100 gms daily. My doctor recommends 65 grams for women and 75 for men. If you are really big in exercise, take more protein. Your system uses more w/ exercise and the hair, skin & nails are the last to get the nutrition that the body takes in. Make sure you get enough. Good Luck in your Journey -- Judy Harris
   — jk_harris

December 19, 2006
I take the 5000mg of Biotin & 50 mg of Zinc which helps our bodies absorb the biotin. I take this every morn and have not lost any hair. I'm 7 months post-op. This subject is covered in the "Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies" book. And the Biotin & Zinc are recommended for hair loss since I started my WLS Journey four years ago. And in OH Leaders program, plus from my Surgeon, who has been in the busoness for over 15 years now.
   — Michael Eak

December 19, 2006
I had a difficult time with hair loss as well, and was told by a fellow WLS friend of Amino 1500, made by SCI-FIT. 2 capsules a day. Very easy fro me to work in with my other vitiams. Hope this helps.
   — Kalli R.

December 27, 2006
Follow your doctor's orders.
   — Novashannon

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