Can this cause leakage?

Well today I am 9 days post-op and I've been doing fine with my broth, sips of water, popsicles, etc. Well last night I wanted to advance on my own so I had a few spoonfools(my 2y/o's spoon) of unsweet applesauce. I felt fine afterwards but about an hour later I had a popping feeling in my belly. Did I cause a staple to come out by eating the applesauce.......HELP!!!    — PoohBearNC (posted on June 26, 2006)

June 26, 2006
You need to re-read your post-op material and stick to what they tell you to eat and when. Call your Surgeon, and get a professional to tell you what you really need to hear. I do not want you to hurt yourself and I want you to take care and listen to your docotor about what you should and should not do. They are the experts.
   — sor09

June 26, 2006
Hi Friend. You DO need to follow Dr.'s orders, but from my experience, you are probably fine. My doc has everyone EAT applesauce and scrambled eggs BEFORE we leave the hospital! Just a bite, but he has us go right to Stage Three eating. (soft or pureed foods) If you start having pain or other symptoms certainly go to the ER, but I'm guessing you're fine. I was a nervous nelly about EVERYTHING right after surgery, but I'm 18 months out and doing fine. Best to you! ~christi
   — christi_in_VA

June 27, 2006
hi i just wanted to ease your mind..i am 13 days post op and my doctor started me on chicken, eggs, cottage chese,mashed potatoes, squash,fish, plus all the liquid stuff i could have prio to that(suger free of course) as long as it was an applesauce probably had a gas bubble from trying something new..but call your dr. just to make sure..hope this helped you out..smiles....gen
   — GEN D.

June 27, 2006
i forgot to add that i have been eating this stuff the way he said since 7 days post op..gen
   — GEN D.

June 27, 2006
I was allowed to eat applesauce when I was 3 days out as a matter of fact it was on the list of liquids my surgeon gives to his patients to have for 2 weeks after surgery. I agree with the other post, that it may just have been a gas bubble. However, I am no dr. Hopes this helps.
   — tia24tx

June 27, 2006
Hi. I am 10mos Post Op. My surgeon sent me home on mushy foods and I stayed with that for a month. You do have to be careful to introduce foods once a are recovering from stomach yur tummy needs to heal..Im sure you will be fine..I was having dannon fit/free yogurt with fiber - in those 4oz cups- at this time and jello and mashed potatoes and scrambled egg with cheese, and creamy cottage cheese. Ask your doctor if you can have any of those..the yogurt might be best- cause its lactose intolerant by the way- and Im ok with yogurt- and OH YEAH- DO YURSELF A FAVOR - FOR PROTEIN-
   — nybabe

June 27, 2006
Hi. I am 10mos Post Op. My surgeon sent me home on mushy foods and I stayed with that for a month. You do have to be careful to introduce foods once a are recovering from stomach yur tummy needs to heal..Im sure you will be fine..I was having dannon fit/free yogurt with fiber - in those 4oz cups- at this time and jello and mashed potatoes and scrambled egg with cheese, and creamy cottage cheese. Ask your doctor if you can have any of those..the yogurt might be best- cause its lactose intolerant by the way- and Im ok with yogurt- and OH YEAH- DO YURSELF A FAVOR - FOR PROTEIN- go to GNC- buy Pro Performance- Whey- UNFLAVORED. THIS can be added by scoop- to yogurt- to iced tea- to cold decaf- to soup- to Propel..ANYTHING. I just discovered it NOW. One scoop is 21gms- do it 3x a day- and you are MINT. I wish I had done this was I was a baby postop like you. I have lost 115lbs- but I bet it would have been more! Plus I think because the protein is bein mixed into easy digestible food- its being absorbed Better - which I think means faster weight loss.. SO GOOD LUCK! :-) DONNA
   — nybabe

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