Does everyone that has RNY lose weight?

I know I wonder alot and ask alot of questions but sorry I am just curious! Today my question is ,does everyone that has RNY lose weight? I just find myself dreaming because I am carrying around 240 pounds.I pray this dream comes true.Also yes I had my RNy on Feb18 2010.    — davonjack (posted on March 1, 2010)

March 1, 2010
I weighed 306lbs 02/02/2010 a week before I had my RNY surgery on 02/08/2010. The same day I had surgery I weighed 292lbs. Today I weigh 260lbs and I am not hungry.
   — Gary123

March 1, 2010
I'm 8 months out and I've lost 153 so far.
   — KiaSunRay

March 1, 2010
I had RNY 616/09 and celebrated a total of 100 lbs weight loss on Valentine Day. What a feeling. I feel soooo much better, healthier, energy, proud. This is the best thing I've ever done for myself. Good luck on your journey. Donna
   — donnaholman

March 1, 2010
I lost 106 lbs and I am below my goal at six months. Good luck!
   — FSUMom

March 1, 2010
What I've understood from reading and from my support group is that it's pretty difficult NOT to lose weight with RNY. The malabsorption part with your intestines is a pretty big change for your body. Of course, your body does readjust between a year and two years out... and you have to work HARDER then at keeping the weight off. In other words... if you were eating the same thing all along, you might start gaining even though you didn't increase your calories as your body gets used to the new set up of your insides. Of course, it's also very much up to the individual to "work the tool" as they say. If you don't follow your doc's and nut's plan... if you "cheat" and have a lot of high calorie liquid meals (because they go down easy)... you can gain back ALL the weight you lose with RNY. There are sad stories out there about this happening. This is why many docs do pre-screening with psychologists to make sure we patients really understand that surgery is NOT a one-stop fix for obesity, it is just a serious step toward health that WILL NOT WORK without changes in the individual's lifestyle. I.e, we all have to change our eating habits for life. Surgery is not a 'get out of dieting' card!!
   — Greg K.

March 1, 2010
Yes but the amount and how quickly depends on your particular circumstances. I weighed 255 on 1/5 when I had my surgery a week later I was down 16 lbs as of last week I weighed 220. I am not hungry and I am eating fairly normal just a whole lot less and my world revolves around protein. Good luck on your journey. I haven't regretted mine for a second. Waiting for my sister to join me. :)
   — tlscannell

March 2, 2010
Hi ! I had this conversation at my clinic and was told that anyone who has this surgery will lose weight. It has to happen as a result of the new stomach and intestinal resection. However, not everyone keeps losing weight and maintains a weight loss. Anything can be cheated on. You can eat your way around this surgery just as you can cheat with lapband, etc. If you follow the rules, re educate yourself on nutrition and have a head for good results, you will be a success story! Learn disipline and food values while you are on the "Honeymoon phase" after surgery, this is when you have no appetite. Your appetite will come back and you will have to deal with that issue when it happens, but if you learn to eat well, it won't be a big problem. If anyone decides to have this surgery, they know something is wrong with how they deal with food, dealing with htose issues is key. Just counting calories isn't enough. Exercise is very important also. I have talked with dozens of people who have been successful and who have not, and the key issue I have found is exercise and drinking with or right after meals. You cannot do this...for the rest of your life! And you have to exercise at some level forever also. I hope this makes sense. I wish you only good luck! Hugs n God Bless, Kim
   — gpcmist

March 2, 2010
You will lose weight. this is pretty much assured. The trick is that after a year or so you really need to have your diet set so you do not put the weight back on. Too much snacking or carbs and athe weight will begin to re appear. I have lost 90 lbs but would like to lose 20 more. Now I have passed the 1 1/2 year mark losing is harder. I am so glad I lost all that weight and now work to measure and control what I do to keep it off forever.
   — trible

March 4, 2010
Yes, I have lost 220 pounds in 2 years... You will do good. Just follow your drs suggestions.
   — okbuffy

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