Does anyone know if Spironolactalone cause weight gain?

I was prescribed Spironolactalone for acne - since then, coincidentally, I've gained 12 - 15 pounds, over 3 months. I am scared, b/c I can't understand why such weight gain, but I can't seem to reverse it. I overeat constantly, when not trying to be a 'diet diva' who is 'delightfully disciplined'in keeping control. At 5'3" + and weighing 175 for the first time ever, I feel like a trainwreck with no way to stop - any helpful suggestions?    — trmit4 (posted on July 20, 2009)

July 21, 2009
I take the same medication for acne and it has not affected my weight. Try to increase your water and add a new activity. Unfortunately, we need to be disciplined about our eating or we will go back to where we were before the surgery. Try to go back to basics, protein first, veggies then and carbs. Try to keep away from "white" carbs. Don't drink with meals. I wish you all the best!
   — Ladysmilesmuch

July 21, 2009
This medication made me lost 13 lbs after being on it for about two months.
   — Lyndsay30

July 23, 2009
It is a diruetic so this means it helps with water sure to drink plenty of fluids and you should be ok...always consult a physician if you have any problems or questions about medications because we all react differently to them, especially after bariatric!:) I had the GBS/RNY in Dec. o8 and have not had to take my Spironolactone since:) Karla~
   — kactuskarla

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