Has anyone tried Fresh Start Liquid Protein?

It is wild berry flavored and has 42 g of protein in 2.8 oz. Also infused with vitamin B12, B6, and B5. Wondering if anyone has tried it and if it tastes OK? Thanks for your help!    — brindledanes (posted on November 25, 2008)

November 25, 2008
Sounds like a good bet. You will also get some energy from it. Berry flavors ususally mean raspberry, blueberry(good for nerves)or blue raspberry. Sometimes strawberry. vinnigirl
   — vinnigirl

November 25, 2008
Hello Cathy, where can you buy this ""FRESH START"" from? I am sure interested in the product. I have such a hard time with protien drinks. And this sounds good to me.. Just 2.8 oz. Wow... Maybe I could get that down...
   — daizi55

November 25, 2008
That sounds good, but my Dr. told me that your body can only assimilate 20 grams of protein at a time, so that would have to be cut in half or you may be just wasting the product. Susan
   — susangielda06

November 25, 2008
Hi, I have a side question.... you say that one can only absorb 20g of protein at a time? How long do you have to wait before you can drink the rest AND absorb more? Thanks
   — opheliafl

November 25, 2008
I looked this product up online and they will be changing the name soon to "the Protien Bullet". here is the link:
   — ImanAbdulaziz

November 25, 2008
Thanks for the answers. I was assuming that if it tasted OK this would be a good choice and would cover 2 meals. A friend told me that she tried something similar and diluted it with 16 oz water then added a little crystal light and drank it throughout the day. Check out the website, it sounds like this was designed for bariatric patients as apposed to weight lifters like some of the others. Surgery is scheduled for Dec 12 and I am excited and nervous and looking for ways to get in protein afterwards. I start the pre-op diet on friday. Thanks, Cathy
   — brindledanes

November 25, 2008
I have never herd of it but just checked out the web site and order a case that come with 12 bottles, it ended up costing me like $42.00, I will keep everyone updated as to how it taste and works and feels.
   — Rebecca F.

November 26, 2008
Hey there I emailed them and got a free sample. In all honesty I thought it was gross but everyone is different they were happy to send me a sample so if I were you I would just start there.
   — krlynn

November 26, 2008
I am the one that said that your body can only assimilate 20 grams of protein unless you are a runner or a weight lifter then you can go up to 32. Anyway, you can drink the rest in a couple of hours after the first 20 grams are consumed. Susan G.
   — susangielda06

November 26, 2008
I'm pre-op, but wanted to try it out, so I requested a free's got a really tart taste that I wasn't really crazy about, but it's just a couple of swallows and it's manageable.
   — sem51

November 27, 2008
Reading the label before buying and check with you NUT. Mine says to stay away from bullets becuase the protien is collegen based. You dont want to spend money on empty protein thinking you takling care of yourself. Dont forget iso pure flavored water. 40 grams in 20 0z
   — urbrat2

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