I am disappointed in my weight lose--only 25lbs surgery 7-22-08.

I have been walking about an hour every morning now that the doctor released me for exercise. I don't understand why my weight is not falling off like others. I am drinking alot of water, and protein shakes, eating small meals during the day and watching sugar levels. I want this weight to come off. Any suggestions?    — Toby2 (posted on September 24, 2008)

September 24, 2008
I also had my surgery July 22nd, everyone is different, I have lost about 45 pounds, but I started walking 3 days after surgery, got released for exercise about 3 weeks after surgery. I swim 6 days a week, walk alot, use treadmill, stationary bike and a couple exercise equipment that my g/f has set up at her house. I am sure if you keep exercising, and eating 4 small meals a day, make sure you get plenty of protein and liquids. Best of Luck to you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 24, 2008
I just had my surgery 9/2/008 & I am having some problems with not losing as fast as I'd like (13lbs) & I was told that the more protein you have the faster you will lose. I was drinking some of the slim fast & I guess alot of people don't drink that because of the carbs so I was told to get the powder protein & make my own drinks & put it in pudding & stuff & that would help. I don't know if this was much help SORRY & good luck just know you are NOT ALONE in this. Tammie A
   — tammie71

September 24, 2008
You need to get in 70 grams of protein a day. At this point it should been in 5 to 6 small meals a day. Don't eat any vegtables or fruit till you get in the 70 grams of protein. You should also be drinking al least 64 oz. of fluid a day. No more than 11 grams of fat at one meal and between 24-47 grams of fat a day. Also, don't use anything that has more than 2 grams of sugar in it. Change you exercise routine and give your body at least one day of rest. Hope this helps! Good luck. Lisa
   — ldillabough

September 24, 2008
My surgery was also 7-22-08... I stayed at 25 weight loss for weeks. I finally changed up my routine and had a breakthrough! Now I've lost 45 total and am doing and feeling better about things. So my advice is to CHANGE UP your Routine (exercise different and/or eat different foods). Good Luck!
   — pattschiele

September 25, 2008
i realize everyone is different, however i think i would get a dietian involved. perhaps they can help. this is alot of hard work. if they can't help make an appointment with the doctor. good luck
   — peggy R.

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