2 Things... Weight Gain before tt and Time off Work

Ok, I'm finally scheduled for my TT on Aug 22. I've been wrestling with this for a lot of years and I've finally made the choice, been through all that I had to get through with planning, money stuff, convincing loved ones that this is a GOOD thing, got the good insurance to cover it... Now this. I found out from my HR dept at work today that any medical time off past 7 CALENDAR days, and I'll be removed from the payroll. Company policy. Medically necessary or not. Doc notes or not. I will, however be eligible for rehire when I'm medically able to return to work... I get to start all over again. No insurance for another 3 months, no other bennies for another year. I've been in my position for 7 months, so I don't qualify for medical leave at this point. You may ask why I don't just wait the 4 months out as I've waited this long (7 yrs). The answer is simple... I don't want to, I'm ready NOW. All I needed was 2 weeks of work time.. the weekends are MINE and should NOT be counted by THEM!!! So there's my BIG frustration of the day. Also, when I decided to schedule my TT included in the paperwork was a document stating that if I cancelled, I'd be responsible for the cost of the room and other expenses incurred. I think the time was 30 days, I'll have to check on that. I gave my boss notice, she submitted it to HR but by the time they got back to us... I think it's too late. I'm having it done, I'll figure out the rest as it comes. Did I mention that I work for a huge Home Medical supply and Equipment company? Yeah... I just wanted to put this out there as these are things to consider when you start to plan for your procedures. Oh, I've also gained 6 pounds since my consult. I was a light smoker, and know I shouldn't smoke at all so I stopped. Cold turkey. BAM!!! 6 pounds!!! Does anyone think this will be a problem?    — CharlieGirl (posted on August 3, 2007)

August 3, 2007
How did you get the insurance to pay for your tt? What insurance do you have. I will have to go that route in about 4 months. THx
   — Debora S.

August 3, 2007
I would seriously look into the FMLA that was put into law quite a few years ago (like back in 95, 96?). Family Medical Leave Act which PROHIBITS companies from firing you while you are on this extended leave. If you can get your doc to state that he recomended you for the TT for medical reasons (your health to prevent painful yeast infections etc) , then your company WILL get into serious trouble! You could sue them, the government could heavily fine them etc etc...look into this and talk to someone OUTSIDE of your HR dept. Like a work comp lawyer etc....Good luck and God Bless!
   — crystalsno

August 3, 2007
first of all we don't know if you are a hard laborer or sit at a desk. If you are having RENY they reccommend you are off 2 weeks, but all the people I know baring any med problems could go back to work if they want to.
   — bderuiter

August 3, 2007
I am almost positive that is not legal like the other posters wrote check into the fmla law it allows 12 weeks off of work before you lose job security.
   — danosteve

August 3, 2007
I agree with one of the previous posters -- due to the FMLA, you can't lose your job for only taking two weeks off for surgery. And if you do, this is a highly illegal business practice! I've never heard of a company having the kind of policy that you described. That's just TERRIBLE!! So I'd consult an attorney that specifically deals with employment issues ASAP. I think you've got an excellent chance of being able to keep your job in the end -- the law is on YOUR side. Good luck to you!!
   — Susan F.

August 4, 2007
Wow that is harsh... FMLA only applies to companies with 50 or more employees.... hopefully this is the case in your company. If it is then they are breaking the law with the policy. unfortunately if they have less than 50 employees you are SOL.
   — SteffieBear15

August 4, 2007
Hi Charlotte, thanks for writing. First of all, who cares about 6 pounds when you quit smoking! Congrats and keep it up. Ofcourse you want damage control, get walking and drinking water, but you have done a great thing by quitting smoking, good for you. Regarding your work, I think what they are doing is illegal. I don't think they can do that and get away with it. You need to contact your local agency that covers work law and get some advice. This is wrong in more ways that I can say. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

August 4, 2007
I would totally look into FMLA, they cannot deny you this benefit if you company employs more than 50 people, maybe less but i would discuss this with them, some companies, like mine, never gave me the option for this until a co-worker told me about it and then with proper documentation from your doctor, which should not be a problem, you should be ok, check this out right away or go to one of the government pages and read about it, it probably would not hurt to copy it and show it to your HR department either, best of luck to you. Diane
   — noboat4u

August 4, 2007
Do you guys think the FMLA will help me even if I've not been with the company for a year yet? And this company has 36 locations accross Michigan and Toledo... WAY more than 50 employees!! They did say that if they rehire me within 6 months of 'being removed from the payroll' my ins will go back into effect on the first of the following month from when I start back. But no gaurentees that I'll get hired back in. (so no coverage for my follow up visits until who knows when) I know that usually, being terminated leaves you ineligible for rehire... I guess this is their way of softening up what they do? Sounds really odd to me.
   — CharlieGirl

August 4, 2007

August 4, 2007
Yes, Blue Cross and Blue Shield (community Blue) of MIchigan is covering my TT... no problems what-so-ever. I have a small deductible for the year, but other than that, no hoops at all to jump through. I called to see if it was a covered benefit, the gal I spoke to told me not only is it covered, there are no pre certifications or criteria to meet other than having lost over 100 pounds (which I have). No documentation re rashes, nothng about how far your panni hangs... just the reccomendation, and a few pics from, your Doc. When I called for a consult at Barix, they said it would be no problem with my insurance. All I can speak for is my TT, I wont need any breast work or anything else.
   — CharlieGirl

August 5, 2007
Well, this will answer your eligibility question regarding FMLA: * Section Number: 825.110 * Section Name: Which employees are ``eligible'' to take leave under FMLA? (a) An ``eligible employee'' is an employee of a covered employer who: (1) Has been employed by the employer for at least 12 months, and (2) Has been employed for at least 1,250 hours of service during the 12-month period immediately preceding the commencement of the leave, and (3) Is employed at a worksite where 50 or more employees are employed by the employer within 75 miles of that worksite. (See Sec. 825.105(a) regarding employees who work outside the U.S.) That is a little harsh that the company would do that. They probably do that so they don't have to keep paying premiums. I suggest that people who are considering the surgery purchase hospital indeminty insurance. If you have car insurance you can get this through your insurance company. Hospital indemnity insurance pays you when you are in the hospital and that gives you some money to live on for a minute or too. Good luck
   — the7thdean

August 6, 2007
About the FMLA, I am to have RNY on the 23rd of this month. I did not know there would be any problems with being out for the surgery, FMLA or not. However the HR lady came to me and stated that she had checked everything out and because I had been on my previous job for a period of time (??) (I have only been with this company for 9 months, not the 12 mentioned above) that i would be covered by the FMLA. I am not sure what all she took into consideration, maybe ask about checking into length of time on prior position and were you unemployed in between the two? Hope this is an avenue they had not looked at and may help you. Best of luck.
   — slynn33

August 6, 2007
The FMLA will back you on this . . . it is the LAW. My friend has gone through a very similar situation. She is now taking her company to Court in accordance to the FMLA. Her company is now trying to say that she can come back any time after her " medical" leave & they are willing to pay 70% of her normal wage. Seriously look into this.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 7, 2007
Take this for what it is worth..I would number one wait the 4 months they do not have to rehire you. number 2 most likely you will be off longer, and what if you get an infection or have a complication while in surgery, then you are up a creek without the paddle. number 3 there is a big difference bettween posponing a procedure and cancelling it. You can postpone the surgery date and should not be a issue if you let them know now. You need to be smart, once you are at your job a year you can take FMLA and they have no way to get rid of you while you are on it. 4 months is nothing in a lifetime it will give you more time to save a bit more money in case you are off longer and or pay a few more bills in advance.
   — DonnaB.

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