Is there abyone having pain in the abdomin post tummy tuck from scarring?

Does anyone find that after abdominoplasty, a few years later, their entire belly area is still sore when pressed upon i.e. at the obgyn or other doctors? She says it is internal scarring....but I am not sure?    — legs1019 (posted on May 20, 2005)

May 21, 2005
I have never had plastic surgury, but I have had my gallbladder removed; my appendix; and a c-section. The gallbladder is sometimes sore/sensitive to touch and I had it done in 1984.
   — Danita S.

May 21, 2005
Hi. If your scar is stuck to the muscle or a lot of liposution was done, the scarring will be "tight." It usually resolves with time. I try and get a good massage to my patients early after surgery to keep their tissues soft and supple. Massage by a good therapist may still help you.
   — DrL

May 23, 2005
I am 1 year post op from a full lower body lift and am still sore when I sit up in bed or do situps. Just asked my Dr and she said it most likey won't go away. It does seem to help when I do sit ups regularly
   — Gail O.

May 23, 2005
I had some scar pain on one side. My PS also recommended massaging the area.
   — mom2jtx3

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