I am looking for information about anyone that has an incision that did not close.

   — deana_w (posted on June 17, 2001)

June 17, 2001
My incision took four months to heal. It was because we all tend to heal from the outside in instead of the right way of healing from the inside out. I finally went to my personal care physician who taught me to flush my incision 4 times a day with equal parts of STERILE water and peroxide. After flushing the incision he told me to pack it with sterilized packing tape. Your insurance should pay for your supplies for all this. You can find the packing tape/gauze at any pharmacy or medical supply store. I was using half inch packing tape. It really isn't hard to do this yourself. My incision was closed properly at two weeks after I started doing this. Hope this helps you out. My email is [email protected] please write if I can be of help. BLESSINGS........
   — TERRY L.

June 18, 2001
My incision took 4 mos to close also. I had a "tract" or "tunnel" that took forever to stop draining. It was more an annoyance than anything else and it was never infected. It would close up and the skin would heal over but then form a blister (seroma) and break open and ooze. The bottom part was the last to close as gravity pulls the fluid downward. I had to poke a long sterile qtip in and keep it open. I took a little medicine syringe (like is used to give a baby medicine), filled it with peroxide and sterile water and flushed it out. The peroxide would fizz and come out like a volcano! It healed quite quickly after I did this. I didn't have to pack it. I just keep it covered with gauze. My surgeon told me not to put any antibiotic cream or ointment on it as sometimes bacteria breeds in the "gook". As long as there is no infection,just keep it clean and let the fluid flow. It will heal and it will just be a memory! Good luck to you.
   — Marilyn C.

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