Is pickle or olive juice considered a "Clear Liquid" on the pre-op liquid diet?

I have been following the liquid diet religiously, however I crave salt and flavor. Can I have a small sample of pickle or olive juice?    — lemiercat (posted on November 6, 2009)

November 6, 2009
I think that would be fine. Usually any juice without pulp is ok.
   — kmmset

November 6, 2009
I know prune juice is not considered clear, and that has no pulp, so I don't know.
   — rsw

November 6, 2009
That is a very interesting question...I would think it would be ok before surg. but not after. The jucie is mostly vinager with many spices added to the pickles. Some do require sugar. Like in Bread & Butter and of course in sweet pickles. The vinager is very good for you ..just watch the salt is not to much for you. ENJOY!!!
   — tootsie52

November 6, 2009
If you have a tendency to swell watch those. Both Very high in sodium.
   — lesleigh07

November 6, 2009
I'm sure it is OK. A friend of mine drinks pickle juice post-rny; she says it helps settle her stomach.
   — Joseph Johnson

November 9, 2009
A clear liquid is anything you can sip through a straw. But don't use a straw. Just an explaination of how to describe what constitutes a liquid. Be careful of the salt intake with water retention though, you will gain weight. I would think a little sip, now and again won't hurt, but you might want to tell your doctor about this craving. It might be a sign that your body is lacking in a serious vitamin or mineral. Check it out.
   — Kristy

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