How do you keep your food warm enough to eat?

By the time I chew each small bite thoroughly and slowly, my food is stone cold and not very appealing. I tried putting a bowl of hot water under my dish, but this didn't really help. Any suggestions?    — ladybugtx18 (posted on October 15, 2009)

October 15, 2009
That's a tough one. I'm usually full by the time my food begins to get cold, but I have experienced eating cold food a few times. I would say, only heat up half of what you're going to eat (or only take half of what you're going to eat out of the pot, or pan, or however you're cooking it), and eat it first, while it's warm. Then, go back and get the second half of your food that's still warm, or heat up the second half in the microwave or however you're doing it.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

October 15, 2009
I had this same problem starting out. I had a two piece crock pot that I used. The bottom separated from the top, leaving me just a warming plate and I turned it on low and voila! I had my own little warming plate. I was also thinking that if you had one of these things you put in the microwave to add heat to an injury, could be used too. Just put it in the microwave, and then set your plate on it while you eat. They are like a cold pack you put in the freezer. Also you could try a little coffee warmer unit too that people put on their desks at work to keep their coffee hot. Hope this helps. Good luck and congrats for having the surgery. Things will get better!
   — katiecakes

October 15, 2009
Buy a hot plate at Wal-Mart. It will keep your food warm the whole time you're eating.
   — Alicia H.

October 15, 2009
I bought one of those little coffee cup warmers - they are real in-expensive and you can get them just about anywhere. They are just big enough for a coffee cup and I use the smaller plate and just sit my plate on it while it is plugged in. It works great - especially for things like eggs that get cold so fast.
   — Wendy M.

October 16, 2009
I do two things...One heat the plate in the micro for 1 minute before you put food on it and get used to cold food! ha! Best of luck to you! hugs, Kim...Some people use candle warmers for their plates...but I didnt think it worked well for me.
   — gpcmist

October 16, 2009
I just got so used to eating cold food from that, it is pretty much second nature to me now. Cold oatmeal, malt o meal, pototoes, beans etc. But as time goes on, you won't spend as much time chewing because it doesn't seem like you really focus much on chewing, it just happens so time flies by and your food is still warm. It takes some time though. I just got to the point also, where the foods I was eating could be cool, like pre sliced deli meat, in a cheese stick. Stuff like that. But it depends on what food phase you are at is what determines what food you eat. You could spend a lot of time around the microwave. I did this at first also, but that didn't last long, the texture of the food lost it's life. Hope this helps.
   — Kristy

October 16, 2009
That used to bother me too. I started putting my plate into a warm oven to prepare it for my meal. I even considered buying a baby food warming plate, but since I couldn't find an electric one (or better yet, a battery operated one), I just got used to rewarming my food in the microwave or eating cooler food.
   — KimM

October 16, 2009
Get one of those Mr. Coffee mug warmer. Battery operated. instead use it for your small plate or bowl. It's around 14.99 at longs, target walgreens. most stores carries it.
   — lanigm

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