I am on the birth control pill but it is not regulating my periods any

longer. I am getting long periods when I shouldn't be and often. I am taking the pill 1st thing in the am and I don't eat or drink for over an hour after. I had surgery at the end of May 2009. Does anyone know what is going on? I don't need the pill to prevent getting prego my husband is fixed, but need it to regulate my periods. Should I crush my pill? I don't know what to do. Thanks    — MyOrchids (posted on September 11, 2009)

September 12, 2009
This is definitely one for the doctor to answer but I would imagine the change is because of your malabsorption now. Maybe a patch would work since it could be absorbed thru the skin into the blood stream vs. passing too quickly through the shortened gut.
   — Arkin10

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