retaining water

I think i am retaining water and wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to solve this problem. I weighed 270 on Friday a morning and then on saturday morning on i weighed 267. then this morning i weighed 270 again. I know it's not a weight gain cause i can only eat a couple cups of food a day and I walk two miles a day. I am also weighing on the same scale.    — willish (posted on August 25, 2008)

August 24, 2008
I do the same thing. It gets so frustrating, but I think it is just part of the process of loosing all the weight we want to loose ... our body adjusting to all the changes. I have only lost about 10 lbs this last month. I walk 2 1/2 miles a day and lift weights. I do think my body is changing because I am going down clothes sizes ... but my weight is changing little at the same time. So I guess I am loosing fat ... but gaining muscle. Hang in there. I feel your pain. :D
   — Tammy Cardwell

August 25, 2008
You have to have the water to lose the weight properly. My regular doctor though I was retaining too much so he gave me a diuratic and it caused my kidneys to pass all the sodium out of my system, my blood pressure to drop to 76/36 and my pulse to drop to 40. I passed out and wound in in Cardiac Care in ICU for three days. The ups and down in weight by water is perfecally OK, but it will stablize if you keep you 100 oz coming regularly and do a daily workout of excersice.
   — William (Bill) wmil

August 26, 2008
Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you're building muscle by exercising don't pay attention to the scale! Just concentrate on how your clothes are fitting. Everyone weighs differently depending on sodium intake, water intake, and the amount of REST (8 hrs of sleep at night). Have you ever had your base metabolism tested thoroughly? Like before WLS and now?
   — sassypaige614

August 26, 2008
Bill is right. Remember, your body tries to regulate itself and if your fluid intake is too you can retain fluids. Of course, too much is bad, also. Make sure you get your recommended intake and keep up the great work!
   — khenshaw

August 26, 2008
I quit weighing myself daily, was making me nuts watching the scale bounce up and down. Weigh myself 2-3 times a week just to make sure I'm still losing, it's helped me. I do find if I don't drink enough then I retain water, especially in summer when I need to drink more than the 64 oz the doc told me to. I know it's frustrating to see the scale go back up, but as long as the trend is going down you're doing good
   — Susan C.

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