I'm three months post op from a rny-revision and for a week now I have had severe

bloating, diarehha, and cramps after eating. I've been eating alot of steamed vegetables and little to no meat. Any help would be appreciated. I feel like I have a blockage or something. My tummy is swollen. I may go to the ER if I can't get an appointment from my surgeon    — mdf1us (posted on May 4, 2008)

May 4, 2008
Some veggies can cause alot of gas. That may be part of your problem. Also some veggies have very little protein value. If meat is a problem try some of the soy products and get your protein in. But I'd still get in to see your surgeon as well. Good Luck!
   — Toni Todd

May 4, 2008
Some veggies can give you a lot of gas. Also you NEED the meat for protein. I had a blockage in the beginning and I had to throw up and it caused pain in my esophagus just a few min. after taking a couple of bites. Don't forget to tell the ER that you have had this type of surgery.
   — Claudia C.

May 4, 2008
Veggies cause lots of gas. Watch your intake and see if you notice a difference.
   — bariatricdivalatina

May 4, 2008
you are correct Michelle, you need to be seen right away. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

May 7, 2008
Sounds like too much fiber. Switch to different and less veggies and see if that helps. Protein first, then veggies.
   — gonnadoit

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