what post op labs are needed

   — Gwen H. (posted on January 22, 2006)

January 22, 2006
Some post op labs depend on your insurance and your surgeon. But in general you will need to have blood work (I had to have arterial blood work as well), EKG, ultrasound, Pulminary function test, XRays, and Upper GI. You may need more or less depending on what your surgeon wants and your prior medical issues.
   — kristine76

January 22, 2006
Post-op labs - ususually your surgeon will do lab work at 3, 6 and 1 year; after that its 1 year - your lab work CAN be done and monitored by your PCP its not necessary for your surgeon to order it espeically after one year. A general one (can differ if you have issues or a DS ) but for an RNY - CBC, Iron, B12, protein. Also have a DEXscan (bones) yearly.
   — star .

January 23, 2006
I get blood work periodically. My surgeon gave me a card with a schedule on it. AAt six weeks, three months, a year, a year and a half, and then yearly: CBC, Iron, B12, Folate, Parathyroid hormone level, calcium, magnesium
   — Novashannon

January 23, 2006
This is off the Grads board and there are amazing resources there from people who are several years out and know the long term implications of having this surgery. Here's what is recommended from the Grads Files section: LAB TESTS -Not to be construed as medical advice- -This list includes labs suggested regularly for gastric bypass patients- Regularly (every 3-6 months depending on your previous results) Keep track of any levels that are declining from one set of tests to the next, even if not yet in the low range. Make any corrections necessary in your diet and vitamin regimen before the levels get too low. *10231 - COMPREHENSIVE METABOLIC PROFILE (sodium, potassium, chloride, glucose, BUN, creatinine, calcium, total protein, albumin, total bilirubin,alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase) (Nc,K,C1,CO2,Glu,BUN,Cr,Ca,TP,Alb,Tbili,AP,AST,ALT) *84134 - PRE-ALBUMIN *7600 - LIPID PROFILE (cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, chol/HDL ratio) ((Fasting specimen) , Tchol,Trig,HDL,Calc,LDL) *10256 - Hep panel - ALT (SPGT) & GGT *593 - LDH *718 - PHOSPHORUS - INORGANIC *905 - URIC ACID *1759 - CBC (HEMOGRAM/PLT/DIFF) *7065 - B-12 & FOLATE *7573 - IRON, TIBC, % SAT (Transferrin) *31789 - HOMOCYSTEINE, CARDIO *457 - FERRITIN *4052 - Vitamin B-1 (Thiamin) *84207 - VITAMIN B-6 (Pyradoxine) *921 - VITAMIN A *680 - VITAMIN D (25-hydroxy) *7444 - THYROID PANEL (T3U, T4, FTI, TSH) *945 - ZINC *83735 - MAGNESIUM *83970 - SERUM INTACT PTH *367 - CORTISOL *496 - HEMOGLOBIN A1C SUGGESTED YEARLY - DEXA SCAN for bone density. ICD codes for diagnosis DIAGNOSIS: 268 vitamin D deficiency 269.2 hypovitaminosis 268.2 metabolic bone disease 244.9 hypothyroidism 250.0 diabetes 579.3 short bowel syndrome 401.9 hypertension 276.9 electrolyte and fluid disorders 579.8 calcium malabsorption 579.8 intestinal malabsorption 272.0 hypercholesterolemia 275.40 calcium deficiency 266.2 cyanocobalamin deficiency 280.9 iron-deficiency anemia 269.3 zinc deficiency 281.0 pernicious anemia 281.2 folate deficiency 281.1 other B-12 deficiency anemia 285.9 anemia, unspecified Blessings! Anita
   — ALF

January 23, 2006
Maybe this link will make it easier to read:
   — ALF

January 24, 2006
Or I could post the list, but I can't get the formatting right. I think we might have added more tests to the list you have. Every time I attend the conference, I find more things that should be watched. Not all things need constant hovering, more of a periodic peak. But if you email me privately, I think the list will come out neater. If your insurance does not cover WLS, I would not use the "surgical malabsorption" code. There are many more that are valid, accurate ones you can use. For example, I was anemic as a teen, young adult and middle aged adult, so that is a valid, honest dx code to use today.
   — vitalady

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