I am 4 weeks out today and have GAINED - why?!?!

I had the surgery on 12/31/08 and in the first week lost 20lbs - over the next three weeks I have gained 5 lbs!!! I dont' see others with this issue! I am eating fine, never nauseous, and don't eat carbs! I failed already?    — zoiegirl (posted on January 21, 2009)

January 21, 2009
Hi our bodys are adjusting and it goes into a state of shock and is trying to store food and we retain fluid it will start to come off again and the inches so have patiences dear continue what u r doing and stay off the scale that is the hardest. I moved my weighin to a friends house 1x a week so it is not an issue to weigh every day gastric Bypass July 16, 118 pounds lost. It will start to leave soon it happens to all of us Tammi Best of luck at this time weighins are when I get to the scale my clothing tell the real story
   — Tammi Sandoval

January 21, 2009
Hey girl. Don't even worry about it. I am 3 weeks post op and I have been on a stall too. I think its normal though. I know I want this weight to melt off, and I am sure that it will in time. Don't feel bad, it is perfectly normal. I know when I started eating soft foods, my body was trying to adjust. Lets just keep up the good work and trust God that this weight WILL come off. Take if easy.
   — jackie L.

January 21, 2009
You have not failed! You are probably retaining water! Don't get on that scale daily! Weigh yourself the same time everytime...Morning before breakfast is good...But don't weigh at night as you will weigh heavier usually and it's NOTHING to weigh 3-5 lbs more just from meals and water! Give yourself time....Thisis not you old diet darlin'! You will succeed! Give yourself a year...
   — .Anita R.

January 22, 2009
hey there! I had the realize band 12/9/08 lost 10 lbs right away then when i started eating more than liquids i gained 5 lbs. now i'm down 14 lbs. i started exercising with curves and watching my carbs and its starting to come off. not as fast as i'd like but, i haven't had a fill yet either. i know it's hard, believe me, but hang in there. you'll do great!
   — cbrooks925

January 22, 2009
You haven't failed. Your body is just adjusting to a lot of changes. If you have been taking in lots of protein and low carbs along with exercise, then it may be muscle gain which is always heavier than any fat lost. Also, water weight, salt intake, etc. can affect what you see on the scales. Sometimes weight loss comes in spurts and plateaus so be patient and stick to the diet and exercise you know is right--- your body will catch up eventually and show the results you want.
   — Amy C.

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