eating and drinking?

i had lap rny 5 weeks ago and was wondering can you drink orange juice and if so what kind? also will i ever be able to eat any kind of ice cream again?    — latreshar (posted on September 28, 2008)

September 28, 2008
Ever dr and nut are different. I am not suppose to have juices til 6 mts out but know others who have some juice soon after. But orange is very acidic so careful. I would talk to your nut or dr to be sure what they want you to do.
   — shackett0426

September 28, 2008
No! To much sugar and acid.
   — stanwalker

September 28, 2008
About the ice cream go to I am only 10 days post op, but I hear there are great recipies for protein ice cream that is awesome! I have already been on their looking at the protien shake section, everything else looks so yummy though I have to remember I will be able to eat the other things someday!
   — Gina F.

September 28, 2008
My Dr.'s manual says you can have orange juice occasionally but no more than 2 ounces, as it is high in acid and the healthiest version of orange juice that you can. 2ounces would be like a shot glass of juice. i cant really stand the crystal light powders etc...but they do make a orange "Sunrise" (or something like that)...its' not that bad....kinda like a orange juice...i'm 5 weeks out also had my surgery Aug. 20. I haven't had any orange juice, but I did read about it in my manual. My dr lets us start eating fruit at 4 weeks out and non starchy veggies. I ate some grapefruit for breakfast one morning and did fine with it, just sprinkled some splenda on it..... Donna
   — Donna H.

September 28, 2008
I am 4 weeks post-op and I was in the same orange juice boat as you! For some reason I just wanted it so bad.. Tropicana makes a weight watchers OJ that meets all of our sugar/carb requirements in 8 oz!! Enjoy
   — slreis09

September 28, 2008
I had the sleeve on 5/15/08. At my one month check up the Dr. said I could have orange juice, the only reason they said not to drink it is because I would be drinking my calories, no protein, etc. But I use the orange juice to mix a medicine with, so I do drink about 2 ounces each morning. I drink Tropicana with extra calcium. Regarding ice cream, I have eaten teaspoons of everything from the richest of rich to sugar free and fat free ice creams, with only one problem. The sugar free ice cream gave me terrible stomach cramps and gas. So I now stay away from that. Hope this helps! Susan
   — Susan W.

September 28, 2008
I'm almost 4 weeks out from surgery and I've been allowed to have 2 oz of OJ diluted with 2 oz of water.
   — Teri K.

September 29, 2008
Yes, you will be able to eat ice cream again but you may not want to. After my surgery I became lactose intolerant. Too much ice cream and I am hating life. Not to mention, too much ice cream is what got me to the point of needing surgery.
   — Carlyn M.

September 29, 2008
Instead of OJ try "mangosteen" juice. "Liquid" vitamin / mineral supplement VEMMA is in a mangosteen base so you get all the vitamin / minerals plus benefits of magosteen. Tastes a lot like OJ. Go to
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 29, 2008
You can drink "pulpless" orange juice. It was on the suggestions given to me by my nut. As far aas ice cream goes... I tried forzen yogurt the other day and was okay with it. I was an ice cream fool (that's what really got me into wt trouble) and I have not had any since surgery (7-22-08). I don't want to take the chance of "dumping". As much as I loved ice cream... it's not worth that.
   — pattschiele

September 29, 2008
Two things that totally kill my pouch! I can only tolerate the tinest sips of OJ...But they do make SF Tang powder! Love that stuff with crushed ice and if you mix a little vanilla protien powder in it, it's like a dreamcicle! Pretty good! I eat SF, low fat yogurt ice occassionally...but Milk kills me and leaves me doubled over in pain...Yogurt doesn't bother me. I do eat SF Skinny Cow Ice cream sandwiches now and then too...Not a perfect snack, but once in a while it's a better choice than others I have made! It satisfies my T.O.M. cravings for sweets! I'd rather go low sugar than low fat...when it comes to dessert.
   — .Anita R.

September 29, 2008
there is actually some sugar free ice creams...I have the strawberry walmart brand...tastes good...but some people can not eat it because of the lactose ...I had no problem...and i also seen low sugar orange juice the other day...but they didnt have it in a smaller carton and was afraid to buy it beacuse of the acid...But i am dying for a glass of orange juice too....I am thinking of buying it and maybe watering it down a little.... hope this helps ..and good luck Elisa
   — british88

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