What testing do they do for pre admission at the hospital before surgery?

   — flyerschik77 (posted on November 9, 2006)

November 9, 2006
i had to have numerous blood tests, a pulmonary function test, an ekg, an upper gi, chest xray
   — jan0859

November 9, 2006
Lots of people have different experiences; mine was two days before, lots of blood work, meeting withevery doctor including anesthesia, reviewing meds everytime, paperwork. It really works out nice because all that stuff is done, and all you have to do is show up! Bring a book though...
   — vosh

November 9, 2006
I am having surgery on monday. I have already done pre-op and all I needed to do was get a blood draw and talk to the surgical nurse. Every doctor is different so your might want more tests. I hope this helps. Tanya
   — Tanya1992

November 9, 2006
Yes it is true every surgeon requires different pre-op tests to be done before surgery. I have the following pre-op tests to have done: Sleep Study, PFT, GB Sonogram, SAO2, EKG, CXR, 2D Echo, and a Bone Scan. Of course there are also separate fees such as Psychologist, Cardiologist, Hospital, and Anesthesiologist, and Dietician fees. I don't mean to scare you : ) but there are other surgeons that do not have as many or maybe even more then what I have to ungo.......Anywayz this will not make me change my mind and I know that someday I will have this surgery. Best of Luck.
   — candiegarcia

November 9, 2006
No testing is done at the hospital when you are admitted. Your surgeon will give you a list of tests that are to be done prior to the surgery -- blood test, chest x-rays, blood gas, breathing test, ultrasound of the stomach, digestive tests, and the EKG and another test a few weeks before surgey and they will have your PCP conduct pre-op a month or so before the surgery. When you hit the hospital, you meet with all who is going to be in the operating room with you.
   — the7thdean

November 9, 2006
Every Dr. and hospital is different. I had my pre-op testing done the day before which included chest xray, ultrasound of my gallbladder. I forgot the names of the others but one was where they put the scope down your throat to look at your stomach and the other was where they put these little sticky things on your chest (I think it has something to do with your heart). On the morning right before my surgery at the hospital I was given a pregnancy test. Hopes this helps. GOD BLESS
   — tia24tx

November 10, 2006
The pre-op testing for bariatric surgery is fundamentally no different than that for any other type of surgery for which you must go under general anesthesia. They will probably do a blood draw to be sure that your electrolytes (and other things) are at acceptable levels. I had to go on a strict liquid diet prior to surgery, one similar to that that I was on for my first week or so after surgery. Also, I had to do a fleet enema at home the day before surgery. It is important that your digestive tract be 'clean' for the surgery and for the anesthesia. Simply going NPO from midnight prior to surgery, in my opinion, is not sufficient -- but talk to YOUR surgeon and anesthesiologist about these things. Whatever you do, DO NOT indulge yourself with that "one last great meal" the day before surgery; it's just not worth the risk. Also, if you have special conditions (e.g., are you using a CPAP device?), be sure to let the anesthesiologist know. Your anesthesiologist will have your life in his/her hands for a few hours so be very up-front and truthful when you discuss your pre-surgery physical and mental condition with the folks in the anesthesiology department.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 11, 2006
I had blood work, upper GI, EKG, & a chest x-ray. They also go over all your personal medical history. It took me about 2 hours in outpatient at the hospital.
   — lorie S.

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