What about protein?

I know that you will have to take vitamins for the rest of your life post-op but what about protein? Do you really have to eat those shakes from then on?    — CARRIE C. (posted on August 19, 2003)

August 19, 2003
Not shakes necessarily bu to get enough protein in you may have to use a supplement. I use IsoPure and Herbalife protein drink. It isn't a shake. No after taste. I try to get most of my protein from food though. Thats the best way
   — snicklefritz

August 19, 2003
my surgeon's office has his patients get in 60-80 gms of protein in a day or more, but staying within the 1000-1100 calories a day. I supplement my protein with shakes, protein rich foods and protein bars. I have the protein bars that are no sugar added or very low sugar. I keep the gms of sugar under 7-8 per bar.
   — ChristineB

August 19, 2003
Starting at 4 mos post op, my Doc says that we only need to continue on protein drinks if we don't get the required grams of protein in with food. I count my protein grams every day and plan my meals. If I don't think I will get in all of my protein with food on a particular day, I drink a protein drink that day. He said that once we can get all of the protein in with food - no more shakes.
   — M B.

August 19, 2003
Aloha!! Our diet will always have to consist of a high protein diet but the need to supplement with shakes usually lessens after the first 7-10 months. The goal is to eventually get all your protein from dietary/food sources. For the first 6 months, it is really tough to get in the required protein a day without having that shake or bar to get the protein in. However, closer to the end of your first year, you will be amazed at how much more you can eat. I just hit my 1 year anniversary and it is rare that I have to supplement with a shake or bar. I can get more protein in because I can eat a lot more than I did a few months ago. Hope this helps!! Hugs, Kathie in Hawaii (Open RNY 08/07/2002...Down 160 Pounds!!)
   — KathieInHawaii

August 19, 2003
I never liked the shakes, and never will. I figure that I get to eat so little now, that I'm not going to force myself to ingest something I hate, so I work hard at getting my 60 grams of protein a day in food. It requires advance planning, but it's not so hard. I often have a cup of Rocomojo, a soy coffee substitute. It is a protein supplement drink (13 grams of protein per cup), but not one of those icky thick shakes.
   — Vespa R.

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