Upper Arm Lift/Brachioplasty

Short and sweet --- Im 23yr old, post bypass 10-23-08, lost 130lb. Saggy arms and im very self concious!! I want to wear tank tops in the summer! Upper arm lift scheduled for Friday 12-10-10. Any thoughts or opinions about this? please let me know! Im getting nervous!!    — LauraMarie (posted on December 1, 2010)

December 1, 2010
I had this done after losing about 150 pounds. The recovery was easy, compared to the other plastic surgery I had done at the same time, and I'm pleased with the results. The scar is tucked away in my armpit, thus no obstacle to wearing sleeveless tops. There's also less underarm odor and much less shaving to do (must have lost some sweat and hair glands; happy on both counts). As young as you are, getting rid of that saggy skin could be an important boost to your self esteem, and you've certainly earned it. Go for it, and good luck.
   — Virginia N.

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