Muscles sore & weak at 4 weeks out?

I have had no problems eating, drinking, moderate walking, etc. until week #4. Now experiencing severe weakness/soreness of arms & neck muscles. (Not same as sleepy fatigue from week #1.) No signs of dehydration - just this incredible muscle weakness. Scaring me! :(    — omgtc (posted on July 29, 2009)

July 30, 2009
Hi Terri, Google the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Those are two of them, it doesn't mean you have it but if you pick a lot then see your doctor. Your reg PCP can diagnose fibro. You don't have to be seen by a Rheumotoligist. (sp) I have had Fibro for 1.5 yrs and the symptoms were just that and then some. Hope this helps. this is a check off list that has 142 symptoms of fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I just checked them off to see how many I had, out of 142 I checked 82 of them. If you need further help please don't hesitate to ask.
   — Kristy

July 30, 2009
I am going throught the same thing & was recently in the hospital for other reasons & they told me that the muscle soreness is normal since our bodies are adjusting to the hormones and weight change.
   — Katie D.

July 31, 2009
I have also heard of this from a friend who had rny..she was tested with low b12 and it caused nerve if you are not sure about your vitamin levels then please talk to your doctor and get your b12 checked some of us can't absorb the b12 sublinqual we need the shot. It's worth a shot to talk to your dr.
   — neecelee

July 31, 2009
for me this was caused from not getting enough i added another protein drink and in about 2 days it went away.u'r body needs a minimun of 70 grams of protein a day when i upped mine to around 100 i felt so much better and my muscles didn't ache any more
   — Bette Drecktrah

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