
   — bntfive (posted on November 28, 2006)

November 28, 2006
Sounds to me like you are pretty diciplined. Your weight loss and how you maintain it should pretty much speak for itself. Keep up the good work!! Franca, 138 and holding.
   — Franca

November 28, 2006
That dosen't sound like grazing to me. That is how I eat also Three meals then two protein shakes for my snack
   — Kjackson2

November 28, 2006
I "think" what is meant by GRAZING is continual snacking. What your eating sounds perfect to me and should be showing loss on the scale...Do you get your water in too? I plateau for 3 to 4 weeks at a time, then drop 11lbs.. Expecting weight loss every day can be depressing! Keep up the good work! WOW!!! I need to learn from you! :O) Trish
   — zoeysgrami

November 28, 2006
You should follow your doctor's/surgeon's program. If that is what you are doing and losing weight and feel good then you are not grazing.
   — ccstann

November 29, 2006
Grazing is snacking all day. You are doing awesome. I also think of grazing as when you have to stop eating because you are "filled up" then you wait for your pouch to empty a bit, and then eat more...and follow that pattern all day...that is how I believe people gain back or don't lose well....
   — Kayla

November 29, 2006
Any weight loss expert or personal trainer will tell you that 5-6 small meals throughout the day is better than 3 larger ones. It's the best way to keep your energy up, especially when you are consuming so little. And quite frankly, right now it's the only way you're going to get the protein you need in (i.e. your hair not falling out!). Keep doing what you're doing. It's not considered grazing if it's protein or carrot sticks. The problems come when you substitute potato chips and Halloween candy bars...
   — j_coulter

December 12, 2006
I prefer the 4-6 tiny meals and they are over in 15 min. It's not a contest to see how much you can eat! I'm wondering why your doc would want you to eat a whole sandwich? I'm 12 yrs and rarely can eat a whole one, even if it's something wimpy like peanut butter. Grazing is more continuous, like making you meal last 30+ minutes in order to get more in or leaving, say,a bowl of nuts and grabbing a handful every time you walk by. A meal is "an event". You prepare it (ok, or nuke it), you sit down and eat it. That's a meal, no matter how small. Grazing is mindless OR deliberately letting the full feeling pass and then eating more. I'm not sure about you, but I've done this surgery twice, paid good money to fill up fast, so I stop eating when I fill up. BUT I am a volume eater, so I have to get up and remove the plate when I am full or I will try to bypass full. I'm far out from surgery, didn't say I was smart!
   — vitalady

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