Is Vertical Sleeve effective for older females?

I'm 68 and had the VS 2/1/10 and lost 10 lbs. since. I've followed the diet to a T and even though painful (arthritus) have used a walker to help me exercise, but feel like a total failure compared to all the others who have dropped 20-30 lbs in that time frame. Then I heard from another 65+ lady who lost a total of 30 lbs since 8/09 when her wt. loss stopped. Is this surgery simply not very effective for older patients? I would love to hear from other post op "senior" women. Pam    — pbingemann (posted on March 7, 2010)

March 7, 2010
I am 48 and just had the sleeve done on 2/16. I have only lost 10 lbs post op. It is very frusterating. But when the office nurse asked me "when was the last time you lost 10 lbs in two weeks" I had a different attitude. Please try to hang in there it will come off :).
   — Supersize

March 7, 2010
I hads the sleeve on deccember 29th aand have lost 48 lbs to date. I am 50 years old and do feel like this was a wonderful surgery for me. Hang in there, what I mdoknow is that everyone is different. It will show up when you least expect it! Wathc what you eat as food choices, I try and do lean protein like fish and chicken. I also find that when I really eat slow, i am full quicker and stay full for a very long time.
   — dawncervenka33

March 7, 2010
I am 58 and had my surgery 10/21/09. I have lost 75 pounds and am right on track. I also have arthritis but I have been able to do physical therapy and exercise in the pool. It all depends on your commitment to change and push your boundaries. It has saved my life and increased my mobility. I only lose about 10 pounds a month too. I lost 29 before surgery. Keep working at it the weight will come off!
   — infodiva808

March 7, 2010
I had RNY surgery and I was 57, my Dr. told me to have that one. I do not know about the sleeve, but good luck to you.
   — FSUMom

March 7, 2010
I had the sleeve 2-13-09 and have lost 86 pounds. I am 66 and at times I really have a struggle. I only regret that I did not exercise in the beginning as I worked full time and thought I did not have time. That was a big mistake I should have made time, now I am really working hard at exercise and staying on the right track. It is a struggle to get the protein in and the water. There are many times when I stayed the same weight for 2-3 months then I got real discouraged, but I learned if you will change things up a little and continue to eat the way you should the scales will move again. I realize that it gets very discouraging. My weight stayed the same from Oct. until Feb. and now the scales are moving again. It really got discouraging during that time. I am really working hard now to lose 20 more pounds. Just continue to eat the way you are suspose to and exercise if you can and the weight drop will start it may take a while but it will happen. I have found that low fat cottage cheese is a staple in my ice box. In the beginning I did not even like cottage cheese, but I have now learned to really like it as it has the protein in it that I need. It is really hard to get the protein in. I believe that the sleeve is the safest surgery with less risk, and especially for people our age that is the safest for us. Good luck to you and keep me posted. It does work just hang in there.
   — joejoe2

March 7, 2010
I am 55. I had the VGS on 9/5/2008 and am down a total of 170 lbs from my highest weight - 137 of that since surgery. I still have about 60 to go, but feel so good that if I just maintain this weight I would be happy. I am currently training for a half marathon in September - who would have thought?!?! Wendy
   — Wendy M.

March 7, 2010
I am of the belief that age is just a number. I am 55 years young, I too have arthritus in my hands and lower back. I had the VSG surgery in June of 2008. I have lost a total of 80 pounds and have maintained for quite sometime. I want to lose an additional 30 pounds but I am quite happy where I am now. Exercise is the key. The more you can do, even as one person said here....join a health club and walk in a swimming pool. My Mom is almost 80,had a hip replacement a couple of years ago and has had to walk with the aid of a walker ever since then. Her doctor recommended she walk in a swimming pool. She does that 3 times a week and has felt so much better since doing so. Just remember, it took us years to put on the weight so it's not magically going to come off even though you have had surgery. It's a matter of time and discipline. Just stick to your food plan, get as much exercise as you can, whatever kind you can. And the weight WILL come off. It has NO choice. Remember to remind yourself every day. This is NOT a diet. It is a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE!!! You made a choice that will enable you to be the healthiest that you can be for the rest of your life. Your body WILL fall in line. It just never happens as fast as we want it to. We are a society of instant everything. We want it right now. You are doing fine. Don't get discouraged and down on yourself or feel disheartened. You have begun a journey that WILL have the outcome you desire IF you just stay focused and follow your plan. Some months you will lose faster than others and you will go through stalls where you may not lose at all. That's okay. Think of the fact that BEFORE the surgery you were putting on weight every week. That's no longer true. Be patient and think positive, act positive. Don't compare yourself to others on here. We are all different. It is an absolute fact that the older we are, the more our metabolism slows down and it will take longer for us to burn calories and fat. That's okay. We're not in a race here. Just know that everyday you are losing weight. And eventually it WILL show on your body and on the scale. When I was starting out after my surgery I kept getting discouraged by the number on the scale so....I made myself a promise to NOT weigh for an entire month. I felt my clothes getting loose so I knew I was losing but I was determined NOT to cheat and step on that scale. I had family and friends ask me, how much I have lost so far....I responded, "I don't know" my own daughter said why don't you weigh Mom?? I'd be so curious to see how much I had lost." And I told her, I do not want to be discouraged and have anything make me lose heart in my motivation by seeing the number on the scale. I will admit there were times I was tempted just from people questioning me. But, I also knew that IF I did and I hadn't lost as much as I thought I should have I would be discouraged. It worked for me. It's so important to keep a positive attitude. That has everything to do with our motivation. So, think about the things that discourage you or make you feel like you are failing and eliminate them. If the scale discourages you....hide it away in your closet and refuse to weigh for about a month. Then when you step on there and you see a 10 or 15 pound loss, you will be so encouraged and proud of yourself!!! I know that's what worked for me. There will always be others on here who have lost more than you or me. That's okay. Your body will respond and make changes as you go. It has no choice. Just be persistent and consistent!!! That's all you have to do. Find things that motivate you and encourage you. I wrote down positive sayings to myself and taped them to my bathroom mirror and read them out loud to myself every morning as I was getting ready. I even taped some to my refrigerator. Maybe that sounds crazy...but, what I'm saying is find something that works for YOU. Encourage yourself everyday. That's important. Even now that I have lost down to a size 10-12...I come here to this website every day without fail. I read testimonials or find someone who needs encouragement and write to them. I find in helping others, it encourages me as well. Or sometimes I just look at the before and after pictures and that encourages me. You know, making the decision to have a weight loss surgery takes courage. It's a huge step in the right direction. The steps that we take following the surgery are so very important too. It's about finding ways to retrain the way we think about food, the way we think about ourselves. Find a good self-help book. Something that you pick up at a book store that just speaks to you and will encourage you. Things that will help you see yourself in a positive way. I wish you the best. Be encouraged and take care of you!!!! You are doing great! You made a choice at your age to do something wonderful for yourself towards good health!!! Take pride in that fact and let it encourage you everyday. Be proud of yourself. Each day that you stick to your healthy eating plan you are becoming more healthy!!! That's a wonderful blessing.... God bless you on your journey. Please stay in touch and let me know how you are doing.
   — Jodi L.

March 8, 2010
I was 50 when I had my sleeve almost 2 years ago. I've lost 135 lbs which is half my body weight. Since metabolisam slows down with age, that could be an issue. But then it would be an issue with any surgery. I wish you the best!
   — corky1057

March 8, 2010
I had the sleeve done 7/22/08 and have lost 122 lbs. I am 53 now, but I exercised faithfully 4-5 times a week for the first 6 months then just went to walking at least 2 miles 5-6 days a week after that. I feel great!! I wish you the best and just try to do whatever you can do as far as exercising, it all takes time. you didnt put all the weight on overnight, and it wont come off overnight.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 9, 2010
I also had VSG on December 29. I am 63. I have lost 20 pounds, and I have been eating pretty normally. More important, my diabetes has disappeared, my blood pressure is normal, and my pulse is 20 points lower. I feel great. I am hoping that you can feel great too.
   — pshock

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