a week from having a fill cant stop vomiting

i had not had a tightening for 9months and a wk ago got 1ml of saline and i cant keep anything down,not even juice.i just want to lose weight but i get headaches,feel so tired at work and feel depressed,i throw up water,i have an appointment wed with my doc,do u reckon let it back out or only to .5 of a mil i am a loss here.from aussie katie    — AussieKatie (posted on September 21, 2009)

September 21, 2009
You need to call your doctor and let him know today. If you can't keep anything down you can cause further problems. This is not a good way to lose weight quickly.
   — Linda R.

September 21, 2009
I'm almost sure your band is too tight and they need to remove some saline from your band to make you comfortable.
   — devvon

September 22, 2009
Sounds awful. I am glad you have an appt with your doctor. Seems strange that even juice won't stay down so they sill mostlikely take some of the fill out. Keep us posted.
   — trible

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