What is the best vitamins to take/Blood work results

I had gastric bypass surgery in March 2005. I received the results of my blood work and found that the following were out of range: wbc 2.4, unsaturated ibc 314(iron), calculated % iron sat 19 and intact pth 99. Does having wls cause the wbc to lower? if so, then what would be the normal range for it? What type of iron can be taken to quickly raise my iron level? (something not expensive & can be purchased from Walmart)What is the intact pth and is it serious? I have spoken with my doctor whom went over the results with me over the telephone but felt as though she rushed through it. I appreciate all responses received.    — 4cressida (posted on May 2, 2009)

May 3, 2009
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor...but I can help you understand some of this as I have had the same experiences and understand your results here, for the most part...although you didn't give enough info...I can tell you what you need to do! I do not know why your white cell blood (WBC) count is low...Normal is 3.6-10.6 (according to the lab where I get mine could be slightly different at other labs)...You are at 2.4...usually means an infection somewhere...Could be as simple as a sinus infection which at this time of the year is more than possible! You need to discuss that further with your doc! But the PTH Intact say you NEED TO GET ON A CHEWABLE (preferably) CALCIUM CITRATE and VIT D with magnesium...You cannot find that at Walmart, but I suggest you take it VERY seriously and get the Twinlabs calcium citrate wafers and some extra VIT D3 in dry powder at the very least 5000 iu's or more and take with one daily! ( My PTH was about 70 and I was taking 50,000 iu for a that my PTH is in the 40's I still take 5000 iu's just for a little idea) Take the wafers 3-4 times a day 2 at a time (2 hours a part ) You need to take 1500 to 2000 mg of calcium citrate for now! (I was taking 2000 mg for a month and now I take 1000-1500 mg a day with normal levels!)...YOU ARE SERIOUSLY leaching calcium from your bones which can lead to permanent damage to teeth and bones (breaks and fractures) that's usually the reason for your body alerting your system with the release of the PTH (parathyroid hormone) ...You need to get your VIT D level tested to be certain! As well as your magnesium...Don't let this go! If those are normal it could be a hyperparathyrodism due to a tumor on the gland in your neck, behind your thyroid glands...READ UP! DO IT! Your UBIC is high and your TBIC is also probably high...Your iron sat is very low but in normal ranges...barely with 14 being deficient...You do need to get on some carbonyl iron. (I chew 8 a day at 25 mg a piece for 200mg total with Vit C)...It would help to know what your HBG and HCT were and your B-12 levels...I have a feeling they didn't test all your vitamins...They need to! You need to get copies too and keep them in a file for yourself to watch how you are doing. As for iron will raise your iron quickly except for iron infusions and that is NOT FUN...I avoid that, but was taken tot he chemo clinic where they do them and it can take 4-8 hours on a chemo-like IV of iron!!...It is a VERY slow process by supplement...but you can get carbonyl iron at any general store...Look for "Perfect Iron" by Sundown...It's very inexpensive and chew them with chewable vitamin C as ascorbic acid 2 hours apart from the calcium and other vitamins as well as dairy meals! (they don't have a particularly bad taste and with the vit c...they taste like sweet tarts. No bloody metal taste and non toxic too! It is the safest iron and it worked miracles on my anemia! It took 6 months to get all my anemia related blood tests in normal ranges! With retest every two months and then every 6 months thereafter! You need to do a lot of your own research now so you understand how serious this can be! I don't know if you are Iron deficient or anemic or if your iron is low because of a B-12 deficiency! YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS! If you are low B-12 that could be the cause of your iron lows and UBIC high! And B-12 defs can cause permanent damage as well! Not enough of the big picture here! Your doc needs to be more thorough! (MORE TESTS!) Iron and calcium are not friends...You have got some serious catching up to do and a very crazy vitamin schedule to start...You need to get retested in 2 months to see if your levels are raising or dropping and you need to have ALL your vitamin levels tested IMMEDIATELY! Here you can find a list...PRINT IT and take it to your doctor! Make him run these tests! Make him HELP YOU! That's his job! Don't let him intimidate you...make him take time to explain! You need to get those levels in order...and I have a feeling you have more troubles here that you need more specific tests for. Here is the list I use...You need to give a good 20+ tubes of blood for these! (Excluding the ones you just had) Take the list to your doc and have him run the ones he didn't run! If he says you don't need them...tell him you are being your own health care advocate and that your health is important to you...Tell him that you have an altered anatomy that malabsorbs nutrients and you want to know ALL THE LEVELS and their results! DEMAND he help you... I had to do a year of constant research to understand half there is to know about vitamins and RNY! My doc knows I am serious and she asks me the questions now! LOL I don't know it all either! She helps me with what I don;t understand... But I do know you are in trouble here and you need to take it seriously! It's not going to be cheap or easy in anyway to take vitamins several times a day for now on because you know now the effects of long term vitamin deficiencies and how real they are! TO PREVENT THEM from reoccurring and being chronic problems that lead to permanent damage, you must be on specific vitamins for a while and then on something other than a few chewable kiddie vitamins daily! PM me if you need more help...PLEASE make your doc help you if you do not understand what I am telling you! And do a little research by googling your "high PTH Intact"...and learn for yourself so when you see your doc he understands that YOU understand and will usually go into more detail because he knows he's not wasting his time explaining everything!! Hope that helps...Good luck! Write to me if you want me to send you websites to do a little research and reading of your own...
   — .Anita R.

May 3, 2009
i take 4 optisource from walgreens chewable multivitamin i also take calcium with vitamin D added and super complex b my blood work has been perfect good luck

May 4, 2009
Hi Ann, I think you have already gotten some excellent responses and just have one suggestion on a Vitamin. I was recently put on a prescription MultiVitamin called "ProBarimin QT". It is a chewable and actually tastes great. My Dr. told me it was actually developed for post bariatric surgery patients. I have had very good results with it. You could look up the web site of the manufacturer that makes it for more info. It is Fleming Pharmaceuticals Good Luck to you!
   — vitalifeQT

May 4, 2009
I am losing it! I forgot to post this list! Here you can find the labs: This is the one I use! It's a big list! But worth knowing so you can PREVENT more defs! And more trouble!
   — .Anita R.

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