Is there anyone out there who has lost 300 or more pounds with WLS?

I need to lose over 300 pounds and am looking for others who have lost this amount of weight or who are currenly losing. Would love to hear from you. Thanks    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on March 24, 2009)

March 23, 2009
ALoha, Yes I have lost 350 pounds so far. I want to lose another 50. check out my If you have any questions you can email also at [email protected] Kema
   — kemalani

March 23, 2009
I have also had to lose a good bit of weight myself. I was once 497 I am 378. I had lapband surgery in Sept 2008 but I lost almost a 140 pds on my own but gained some back, thus pushing me toward lapband surgery. U can do it just be determined and don;t give up. U r more then welcome to email me [email protected].
   — gurliegirl37

March 23, 2009
Hi my name is Tammi I have loss 140 pounds since July of 08 I started at 368 and now weigh 230 I know its not 300 but I want to loose another 60 to be at 170 I was going to go down to 145 but decided to stay at 170 life is grand, go for it having that much weight to loose not sure if u are able to have bypass due to health issues but I met someone about a month ago that had lap band and she started out 3 years ago at 598 pounds unable to walk and she is now weighing 230 she is undergoing skin removal for her legs and she is amazing You can do it dear the sooner you start to live the better weighing almost 400 pounds myself was like an extra person I had on my back I really feel lighter contact me if u want to talk Tammi Really it took me 2 years to get accepted u can read my blog to find out why the best thing I did was turn it over to God who I have not always had in my life but once I did it has truly been amazing Bless you Tammi
   — Tammi Sandoval

March 24, 2009
I am 9 months out from RNY and have lost a total of 195lbs...80lbs prior to surgery...I still need to lose about close enough to 300..I was 445 at my highest weight. The 80 lbs I lost prior to surgery was the hardest 80lbs I have lost my whole life...the 110 since surgery has been a breeze...This is the best thing I could have done for myself...My husband has also lost 190 lbs, he has 40-50 more to thing he has done for himself too...Send me a message to ask anything you want, I will answer to the best of my ability, no holds barred...
   — lori042499

March 24, 2009 Here is the forum for the super MO...You might find some answers here and what surgeries are best for the amount you want to lose...I lost 150 lb from 315 lbs...and have kept it off for 5 years averaging 165 lbs...Since you need to lose double that, you might consider a more radical procedure such as the DS or Medial RNY...The more radical the more risks...I just wanted to be healthy...I didn't care what number I ended up weighing as long as I was healthy again...I got lucky in that I am thin enough to like how I look and much healthier than I thought I'd be! So It worked out great for me with RNY.... I wish you much luck and success!
   — .Anita R.

March 24, 2009
not quiet that much .I lost 265 lbs in 15 months five yrs ago and am keeping it off,Good luck it can be done and u can keep it off
   — Bette Drecktrah

March 24, 2009
These are such motivating posts in answer to yr question. My highest weight was 513 but after many ups and downs I went into my consult at 471, and surgery day (Feb 5 2009) I was 451. Today am down 51 pounds since surgery (Lap RNY) and hoping it continues to drop. I think if I can get to the 222 range I'll be doing well. Not quite 300 but a "chunk" LOL. Happy to chat any time - best to you.
   — mountainmike

March 25, 2009
Yes I was 470 five years ago and I have lost 292 lb and I would like to lose 4o more pounds
   — pam74

March 25, 2009
I have lost about 200 lbs and have another 150 lbs to go. I had surgery 11/26/08.
   — ntssmith

March 25, 2009
I didn't have to lose 300 pounds but I did lose 280 so I can say that it is definitely possible. I wish you the best of luck. I had my surgery 3/30/00. If you would like to email me I am at [email protected].
   — rinnchris

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