I have BMI of 45 but insurance will not cover bypass is there help out there?

I seriously Need to have the bypass done because of health reasons but, bcbs of fl will not cover the procedure and I have no idea what to do. Anyone else have the same problem?    — googley4me2000 (posted on February 19, 2009)

February 19, 2009
Cindy, I don't know the laws in Florida but if I were you, I would sit a write a long, detailed letter to a Case Manager & enclosed a copy of medical records reflecting your health issues. They're being plain old stupid in not covering it because in the long run, because of your health issues, they'll have to pay more whereas if they approved the surgery, you'll begin to get healthy, saving them tons of money. If you really want this, fight for it & write them a letter. I pray they change their minds. If you need any further advice & simply want to vent, I'm here for you. Ruth
   — Ruth M.

February 19, 2009
You deefinately want to appeal the decision. I know with blue cross here they will send a letter of denial with a list of things to do. Once they are done they will approve the proceedure. It is fairly routine for them to deny the first claim submitted. Keep up the fight.
   — trible

February 19, 2009
another option is that you can pay for the surgery yourself. They make it (relatively) affordable in many hospitals in the US, and it's even more affordable outside of the country.
   — slimcolagirl

February 19, 2009
First, you need to find out WHY they denied your surgery. BCBS is notorius for denying people. Even though I had seen my PCP for "physician assisted weight loss" for 18 months, they still denied me. My insurance requires 6 months supervised weight loss with the doctor, BUT they won't pay for those doctor visits! So, my doctor got tired of billing insurance, only to be denied payment. I just started paying him upfront. Well, then when I went to have surgery, they said they had no record of paying for doctor's visits. I was able to have my PCP write a letter to the insurance company, stating my medical need for the surgery and how long I'd been seeing him for my weight. Low and behold, I got an approval letter the very next week. My point to this story, is...find out why they denied, and then fix the problem however you can. If your plan doesn't have wls coverage at all, then you have no choice but to pay for the surgery yourself. If that's the case, you can contact your surgeon to see if the accept CareCredit. If they do, you can apply for the CareCredit loan, and go ahead with the surgery, making monthly payments to CareCredit to pay for the surgery. Best of luck to you. I hope you're still able to get your surgery.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 19, 2009
I hate insurance companies and the games they play. Appeal their decision and I'm sure they'll cover the surgery. A lot of insurance companies don't look at the benefits of WLS - they just look at today's bottom line and play the odds that you might change insurance companies in the future, etc. Also, if you take a loan with CareCredit be careful dealing with them. I had a few bad experiences with them and used another credit agency to pay off the loan with them. Good luck - I'm sure your insurance company will come through after you beg them. Everyone should see the movie "Sicko".
   — Muggs

February 19, 2009
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but it is difficult to get ANY insurance provider in FL to pay for WLS. BCBS included! First find out why you were denied. Then appeal (which I suggest you do) but do so with the assistance of legal professionals is a GREAT place to start. Good luck!!!
   — maggiesmiles

February 19, 2009
There is a place that offers financial help for those that can't get help from their insurance company. You can apply for that and see if they'll help you. Good Luck.
   — Stacie2

February 20, 2009
Thanks for all the advice but bcbs says I do not have the benefits on my plan so I guess the only way to wls surgry is to finance it myself I will apply to that finance co. and again thanks for the help!
   — googley4me2000

February 20, 2009
Most insurance companies say "Excludes Weight Loss" forms of weight loss, blah blah blah, unless necessary. I had BCBC of Calif. and their policy said that too, but if a doctor deems it medically necessary you should get it. They might deny it first but keep putting in appeals. I got denied the first time but due to lack of information. I really didn't pay much attention to the excludes weight loss, but most insurance companies will only cover the RNY. It only took me about 6 months from start to finish, so don't give up. You might have to jump through hoops, but it is worth it. Best Wishes to you.
   — Kristy

February 20, 2009
My insurance also denied me - even after 3 appeals! They acknowledged I needed it, but my insurance policy specifically prohibits coverage for weight loss surgery. Someone somewhere online had said they were able to get it paid for by Department of Vocational Rehabiliation. Every state has this agency, but it may be a different name in your state. It took me nearly two years because my first case manager didn't follow through with anything - once I got my new case manager, it was approved in 6 weeks - and 4 weeks later I had the surgery. They covered it because I wouldn't be able to continue to work at my job if I didn't get the weight off - my job requires me to do a lot of walking and physical activities. It doesn't hurt to check it out.
   — Wendy M.

February 21, 2009
i have bcbs of georgia. my insurance wouldn't cover my surgery either. they said it was cosmetic. i have diabetes and use an insulin pump. i found out that my group insurance thru my job totally excluded this type of surgery on our policy. it's like companies can pick and choose what they are willing to cover according to the premium prices they want to pay. so for me i chose to have my surgery done in mexico. i paid 7500.00 versus 25000.00 her in the US. i have saved my insurance company many dollars. i am now on diabetes pills instead of insulin. i am 14 weeks post op and down 60 lbs. gook luck!!
   — gingersue

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