has anyone on here had the gastro bye pass.

i had the gastro bye pass 3months ago and im so depressed because i only lost 28 lbs. it seem like im not loosing weight at all. i work out 5 days a week. and not only that at work im constantly on my feet for 8 hrs constantly moving. is there some one out here having the same experience as me? i dont have no dumping . no promblems with food. but i do notice that im constantly hungry. i do ignor it and keep myself busy just to avoid over eating.. for the first onth i sost 24lbs the second month 4 lbs. the third was 0. very frustrating. is this normal?    — yvettetas (posted on April 27, 2007)

April 27, 2007
Hi, I had the gastro 1 month ago I have lost 20lbs so far. I also walk every day for 1 hour and I find myself always hungry and just like you no dumping and no problem with foods Thank God. BUt is it normal to always be hungry?? My next Dr visit is 5/2/07 I hope I lost more weight
   — YVETTE121

April 27, 2007
Yvette, When you say you work out 5 days a week, is that 5 days in a row or every other day? If its everyday, change it to every other day and vary your workout routine. Sometimes our bodies get used to a workout routine and doesn't respond. If you are hungry all the time its because your metabolism has kicked in from the amount of time you work out. I don't suggest you ignor being hungry because muscle requires nourishment -- hence the protein drinks -- I know everybody doesn't like them. At first I was working out every day and now have gone to every other day (when I can). I'm 2 months out and have lost 41 lbs. I try to get in 3 meals (if you can call them that) and drink fluids or peanuts in between my meals. I've found if I work out for an hour I have to give my body two days to recover and I notice a decrease in weight. Last Thursday I weighed in at 48, I worked out for an hour the following Saturday and Monday I weighed in at 245 and this morning I weighed 242. So its a progression. I'd suggest adding/deleting something from your workout. For example the Self Challenge give us 1 45 minute cardio workout and then 2 35 minute cardio workouts for the week. These workouts also include strength training exercises. Check out the and click on the self challenge and sign up.
   — the7thdean

April 27, 2007
Great advice NaDine.... it sounds like you are not taking in enough for what you are expending. You don't say how much protein you are taking in daily... do you know??? You should be getting at least 60gm, if you are working out and taking this much in, and still not losing weight, then increase your protein intake to 80-90 grams daily... the good thing about the protein is that whatever you don't use, your body will excrete through the kidneys... thus one of the important reasons to get in enough daily water intake to prevent kidney stones... You also don't mention if your clothes are fitting any different... meaning if your weight is staying the same, but you are dropping sizes... if this is the case, then you are replacing lean muscle for fat. While each weigh the same, the room or space that each pound occupies is significantly different. Or you can try doing the cardio workout 3 times wkly and doings toning exercises the rest of the week. Remember that your muscles need time to heal. That is why when you are weight training (even at low weights) the recommendation is that you work out the upper body muscles one day and the lower body muscles the next to give those particular muscles a day to rebuild themselves.
   — Kari_K

April 27, 2007
One of the hardest things for me to get used to was to EAT MORE. I thought, What? My entire life was spent starving myself and now, to LOSE weight, I have to eat MORE? It's true, of course, making sure you eat the right things! My dr. and nut. want a min. of 1,000 and max of 1,200 calories daily. If you don't supply your body w/ enough fuel and then exercise, it will go into starvation mode and hold onto whatever fat it can find and won't let you lose weight. I also agree about switching up your exercise may help w/ the depression too. And go see your doctor!!!! How often do you have check-ups? Seek some advice from professionals, especially a nut. Don't ignore your body telling you you're hungry. You need to listen to your body. Good luck. ~Sarah in VA
   — platypus

April 27, 2007
Have you spoken to your doctor and nutritionist? If you are following the program that your doctor recommends, you should be losing steadily every week. Are you having protein shakes? Maybe you aren't eating enough protein. Stay away from carbs, they are the enemy...I added more last week and my weight stayed the same. At 3 months you should have about 36 lbs off, you aren't doing badly but you should be losing faster.
   — Sheri A.

April 27, 2007
My reply is different than most. Sure,there are plenty of ways that people use to try to manipulate their wt loss...but if you look beyond the numbers & the scale,you might be surprized to learn something about yourself. I am 6 weeks out & I believed another WLS veteran's comment that I would lose a # a day...which I haven't . I felt like I was doing something wrong,and was ashamed & a bit afraid,that I was going to fail at this, like all other wt loss solutions that I have tried in the past. I felt really bad. I realized that I was giving all those numbers too much power over me. I was not appreciating how far I had come,and looking at the goals I had when I wanted I first thought of WLS. (regain health & have a new joy for living) I decided to change my focus on realistically what I could do ,and what I am all about as a person. I went to the goals page on this site & focused on what I really want (be able to ride a bike,help others in their struggles with obesity,fly on a plane without a belt extender,join OA,to name a few) I don't want to be slave to scales & the #s game.What are your goals for your new life? What miracles have you experienced already? (I am off my blood pressure meds & I able to walk for lon distances without pain, are my miracles). I hope that this helps. I wish you many well days.
   — peacelovecat

April 27, 2007
Hi Yvette, how are you? It sounds like your disappointment is getting the best of you? What you are going through can be normal. Just stick to protein, water and exercise. I know it is hard when you are not getting the big results that some get, but the battle is only beginning Yvette. Just imagine with me, for just a minute. Ok 30 pounds in 3 months, so in 12 months it could be 120 pounds? Strive for the goals you want, and thank God every day for the weight that you have already lost! I know this is hard, I don't mean to sound like it is easy, because I know when you are discouraged it is hard, but keep fighting the weight battles. Regarding hunger. Try a warm diet beverage. Many people I know who have had your struggle with hunger (much of it truly is head hunger, not real hunger). We have to trick our bodies into thinking something is on the way. The problem is in part that once we begin to put food in our stomach, we want to continue to do that. There are always limits, but we put food in anyway. For me and many others, warm tea with lemon is a soothing drink and nice on the pouch. You may want to give that a try. Also, if you have caffine in your day, as you are a very busy woman, this will cause you a lot of problems with hunger. It tricks you into thinking you are hungry. Caffine is truly the enemy. Be careful. Stick to protein, water and exercise at this point. Joy is a choice that you make every day, and I encourage joy and thankfulness, it goes a very long way. You didn't come this far to give up, so hang on and please, please don't give up. I didn't lose very fast at all, it was about 10 pounds a month, just like you. I don't know how much you have to lose altogether, but I do know you have only begun, and you can do this, just one day at a time! Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

April 28, 2007
Sometimes people hit a stand still while they body adjusts, and then they start losing again. Other hit a plateau, and their nutritionist makes them start eating a little more. Sometimes the body is in a hiberation mode and trys to store all of the food it can, and you have to up your calories to start losing again.
   — Danita S.

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