3 years out and now I have a stricture!!!!

Since 10/21/2005, I had been feeling ill after I eat. Gas, acid build up, gurgling in my tummy and nauseous. I was able to eat anything and everything and noticed that I was over eating for the past month or so, I gained 10 pounds (I had my surgery 10/16/2005). On 10/22/05, I got this really bad stabbing pain in my abdomen, and back after I took a bite of a piece of chicken. I do chew,chew,chew and play with my food in my mouth and crush it with my tongue and teeth until it is mush. I had to go back and see my bariatric surgeon who told me to go see a gastroentorologist who will do the balloon dialation. I COULDN'T BELIEVE THIS COULD HAPPEN TO ME AT 3 years post-op. My hubby says that it was the lord's way of telling me to cut back on the foods that I was eating. ( I was able to eat 2 donuts and/or 2 pieces of chicken breast at one sitting....etc). Wish me luck on 11/15/2005, when I go for the dilation.    — Xerrie (posted on November 8, 2005)

November 8, 2005
Hi Sylvia, I am awaiting my surgery, but I know all to well about strictures. You can get strictures just from having severe reflux...not necessarily the surgery. Good blessings with your procedure and do not worry I have had them plenty of times. You will feel much better afterwards! Kimmy
   — Diva4Him

November 8, 2005
Hi, sylvia. I hope your surgery goes well. I get sick when i eat chicken, but I am only ten months out. Should you be eating donuts at all? I am not allowed to have them.
   — Novashannon

November 21, 2005
I guess you have had your surgery by now. Hope it went well. I am 5 years out. I had a stricture at 6 Months and just recently again. Hope you are feeling better- I did almost immediately after each dilation.
   — ppane35

November 22, 2005
Just wanted you to know that you are not alone - I had a stricture at 2 years out. I have had several along the way, but this last one was found during hernia repair. Go figure......
   — Kathy

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