can having recently diagnosed gout keep you from having surgery? or should it help?

   — laura B. (posted on May 28, 2001)

May 29, 2001
I see no reason why it should hinder you having surgery. If anything it tells them you are having problems and need the surgery. I also have gout, although now it is only occassionally. This makes everyone laugh, but here goes. I use WD-40 on my big toes and put socks on them overnight and it goes away for awhile. Love the stuff. I don't think it's in my head as I am a "doubting Thomas". <smile> But as long as it works, I don't care how stupid it sounds. It's better than the gut eating medicines I was on. Good luck to you!
   — Danmark

May 30, 2001
I had gout and it helped with the approval process. Down about 85# since 1/16/01 and know I have severe gout attacks twice what I had before go figure ? There aren't many meds for gout only 2 that I know of and they don't work to well. I'd be careful of the WD-40 treatment if you ever get a chemical burn you'll beg for gout. Good Luck Mike Hicks
   — Mike H.

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