No increasing energy and nausea 2 wks post-op

I am 2 weeks post op from RNY surgery. I still don't feel very well and am taking zofran 1-3 times a day to get all my protein/fluids in. But most of all I don't feel like I'm gaining any energy. This morning I got up, washed my hair and got dressed. I had to sit down after and rest, then got my twins dressed and dried my hair. By the end I was sweating, hot and felt horrible. Anyone else have this problem and what helped? I have to return to 12 hr shifts in a few weeks, HOW? I'm really frustrated. Thanks.    — healthycatt (posted on August 2, 2010)

August 2, 2010
Hi Catherine! You're only 2 weeks out from MAJOR surgery. I didn't feel like I had most of my energy back until the 4-6 week mark. Surgery takes a lot out of you and your body has to readjust. It's going to take time. You are not alone in this experience. It gets better, I promise! Good luck to you :)
   — spitfire0379

August 2, 2010
I've heard some people say that they had a temporary big energy drop after a few weeks. Good news is that it didn't last very long. Congrats on your surgery.
   — Janell C.

August 2, 2010
Catherine, this is all very normal. Getting your 65-70 grams of protein in will help. It also helps to stay hydrated. Drink (sip) all the fluids you can. Give your body a chance to heal. It does get better and the advice from others is very good. This is not an easy process, but the worst is behind you. Congrats on your decision to improve your health and your life!
   — Bonnie H.

August 2, 2010
You need to relax and if you have a husband ask him to help you. Like the other person commented you only had surgery two weeks ago. Do not rush back to work too soon either, you need to rest. I am only commenting on me, but I had one rough year, but I gave myself this year to heal and take care of me. If I had to stay home from work I did, however, I do have a marvelous boss!
   — FSUMom

August 2, 2010
give yourself another couple of will happen..congrtas!! the only comment i have to the hot part coud you have consumed too many sugar or sugar alcohols? i feel that way when i get dumping. best of luck! hugs n God Bless! Kim
   — gpcmist

August 2, 2010
A year ago today, I was exactly where you are. No energy, feeling terrible, and wondering if it was ever going to get better. Trust that it does get better. Give yourself time. Everyone's body is different, but 6-8 weeks sounds about right for most. And still you will have to take it slow. Give your body time to recover from the "invasion". You will be fine.
   — browngathers

August 2, 2010
You are expecting too much too soon. I had my surgery April 22 of this year so just 3 and a half months post op. I had to feed and water my horses just a week after my surgery as my husband works out of town. I had to feed one or two and go sit down and took a lot out of me and the anesthesia zaps you. I am down over 70 pounds now and feel SUPER...just be patient and give it time..Susan
   — tfqh99

August 3, 2010
I am so glad that you said this! I'm sorry, not glad that you feel this way. However, I feel this way as well and thought that I was the only one. I would read about so many people having so much energy. And I would feel wiped out after cleaning the kitchen or taking a shower. I was feeling kind of like a failure. I just feel a bit better that someone else is feeling the same way. Please know that I wish you well... and soon!! :)
   — tee_lee

August 3, 2010
Hi, I am a little over 2 weeks out and have experienced every symptom you mentioned. When I went in for my post-op my doctor gave me my prescription for my B-12. I took it the next day and have felt better ever since. I'm still weaker than normal but at least I can function. I returned to work yesterday and did fine.
   — TammaiTX

August 3, 2010
My two cents: I am five weeks post-op today. My energy level has finally swung around to the point I can take a 1 mile walk, if I go slowly. Pre-op, I could do two or more miles in a little over half an hour. I think what you are experiencing is pretty normal, and that the passage of time will see your energy level increase. I have to tell you, though, that I think it may be overly ambitious to be planning to work 12-hour shifts a a couple of weeks. Even if your work is performed while sitting, this will be a challenge. Good luck to you; the worst is over. It will only get better from now on.
   — MastoDon

August 3, 2010
Hi Catherine, I too am happy you asked this question. I'm wiped out! One week today post-op. It does't seem like there's enough time in a day to get eerything in, but I'm trying. Then my in-laws come to stay and help me out and make more work for both me and my husband (he's a full time student) They actually showed up with fresh fruit from their orchard and now we are about to start processing it! I told her all I would help with this year is cutting and pitting while sitting. I m happy for so many resonses here. It makes me feel better that this is all normal.
   — 4catz

August 3, 2010
For sure listen to these people they have been through it. You are doing things way to soon. 4-6 weeks is correct more 6 then 4. Also No Lifting. Anything over 5-10 lbs. Ever! I have herniated and now I have to have it fixed and I am 6 years out from RNY. It takes a good 2 years to completely lose all your weight and heal. This was major surgery. Don't push it and definitely don't lift the twins. Slow down on the protein drinks. You will gain your weight back later as protein was originally for body builders to bulk up. Its not natural and you will bulk out again. Try to get your protein from food. Try everything. Small little bite of this then that. Now you should be pureeing your food still. Just eat. This surgery only works if you eat. My surgeon was correct on that and I never did UN natural protein. I weigh 130 lbs. Good Luck!
   — Kimberly Ten Kate

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