Is Anyone Ashamed?

Has anyone been ashamed to tell someone that they've had the surgery or do you regret that you did tell someone - and this is especially to those who have somewhat failed this journey. What I mean is for those who may have lost weight during the honeymoon, but has gained most if not all of their weight back (or are on their way to gaining it back). Are you glad you didn't tell anyone you did it or are you now ashamed that some know you did it and they don't see you slim?    — poodie (posted on April 5, 2009)

April 5, 2009
i am not ashamed i di it if i gain the weight back it is my life and if my friends cant undertand that then i guess they are not good friends
   — oldpepsilady

April 5, 2009
Ann I can understand what you are saying. Although, I am still at a 80 pound loss I have gained 50 pound from my lowest point. People that are my size now are getting the surgery. Some times I don't tell people because I am still large and don't want them to know. I am going to look into getting a revision and well needed support which I did not do the first time around. Good luck to you!! Kathi
   — kattbugg04

April 5, 2009
I told those closest to me before my surgery. I waited until about three months post-op 'til I got the hang of the WLS life. Then everyone who asked what I was doing to lose weight, I told them the truth. My thoughts were that it gave me a sense of accountability. Ultimately I had to be accountable to myself, but in the beginning it did help to have that factor.
   — bariatricdivalatina

April 6, 2009
Ann, at first I told a lot of people until an acquantance of mine asked me why I wanted to "mutilate my body like that." After I was selective about who I told because I didn't need to hear that before surgery. 90% of the people have been supportive. You will find some people who have a negative reaction but "oh well".
   — Muggs

April 6, 2009
I am fairly selective in who I tell. I don't want to have them ask about sagging skin and stupid stuff they heard abotu on TV. I am happy with how I look, but I don't want to explain to others why I decided to do this. It really comes down to how I feel about the person what I tell them. Usually if they ask if I have been losing weight I just say yes a little.
   — trible

April 6, 2009
I think I may know what u are referring to. I had my surgury in June 2007, my weight loss wa slow,and became even slower. I finally lost 43# over a year. But then gained 10# back. It will be 2 years soon and I get questioned often by those who I did tell,about why my surgury did not work. I feel ashamed from time to time because I took on a financial burden that has not paid off as I ecpected it to. I have not given up even though it was not as sucessful as quickly as it is for so many others. I am really not sure what the issue is. I guess i expected the band to simpley keep me from eating and I have not resolved my issue with wanting to eat all the time. So there is where my shame comes in
   — parton55

April 6, 2009
Nope, I haven't told anyone... only my husband knows and he is ultra supportive. Yes, it's a bit embarrassing to have a band tied around my stomach and some of my frenemies would jump all over me if they knew. From my research I knew weight loss would be slow and that I might not ever be "skinny", so decided to keep it to myself. I prefer to change my habits at my own pace and not have the pressure of all eyes on me. If I ever lose enough weight to raise eyebrows I will probly tell those closest to me. However, if you're not the type to keep secrets please do tell someone. I don't regret not telling people, but that's my situation.
   — slimcolagirl

April 7, 2009
That really is a good question. I have told very few, and now that I think about it, I will keep it at just that. I feel I am in a platue and if this is all the weight I do lose. I dont want to be looked at as a failure. I guess I would be ashamed if I dont lose any more.
   — Rebecca F.

April 11, 2009
I decided that anyone who judges me for having the surgery, is not really someone who's opinion I care about, and they were probably already judging me for being obese....I think it is a personal choice. Good luck and hang in there!
   — newleaseonlife

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