Need to know how to lose 25 pounds in 5 weeks.

Hey all, I am the greatest procrastinator on earth. I was to lose 25 pounds prior to surgery. Surgery date is April 28th and I gotta do something fast!! Do you think it will be unhealthy for me to go on the pre-op liquid diet for 5 weeks or is that too long? I think it will be okay as long as I get in a lot of protein with the shakes and drink chicken broth and SF jello. Appreciate some feed back and possibly a good swift kick in the booty!!! THanks    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on March 20, 2009)

March 20, 2009
The preop liquid diet is a great idea. I had my surgery back in 2005 and did A liquid diet perscribed by surgeon. It prepares your mind and body for what Is to come and does help you loose a few pounds. I think I only did it for Two weeks but chrck with your surgeon before doing anything. I'm glad I did The diet first.also DO NOT hav your last "binge" meal. Change your mindset Now will help prepare for your future. Believe me the liquids aren't foeever And you will be able to eat again. Congrats on your decision to have surgery And best of luck on your journey!
   — karen J.

March 20, 2009
I am an Advocare distributer. This stuff really works and is very safe!! Take a moment to look at my website. It is Look under the products and you can click on the products to get more details. You may call me with more questions at 715-879-4065 or 715-577-7344. My name is Patty.
   — pgrorud

March 20, 2009
Check with your doctor. You don't want to do any "unhealthy" behaviors and compromise your surgery. Think long-term not short-term (and often unhealthy). Exercise also! Consider this a gentle "kick"! Good luck, Rena RNY 4/30/08 Duke, NC 110 lbs; 117 lbs gone forever!
   — RenaMansi

March 20, 2009
Many medical practices do place patients on a liquid diet prior to surg. Be sure you select a product that is fortified with vitamins and minerals. Get 60-80 grams of protein and remember to drink lots of water. Best wishes!
   — shaddma

March 20, 2009
It doesn't have to be all liquids just protein.I lost 56 lbs pre op by completly cutting out carbs and only doing protein.This will enable u to loose some weight,can't say how much but it serves some other purposes too.the immediate weight loss will start with the fatty liver.Getting rid of some of this makes the job for the surgeon easier therefore easier on your body but IMHO (and i have been there)to get the carb monkey off your back is op you will have other issues to deal with and if u r still consuming a lot of carbs this will be so much harder.As for a good swift kick in the butt not one of us can do that effectively KICK YOURSELF. why did u choose this surgery if u r not going to help yourself?It is hard sometimes we all backslide (i do) but only u can pick yourself up and return to the program.? did your surgeon or the nutritionist not give u a plan to follow pre op as well as post op.if not maybe u should question your choice or at the very least ask .I have found that a program that has a follow up program in place for u post op has more success rates at loosing and keeping it off than one that doesn't.When i was looking for a surgeon i was more interested in what i was going to do afterwards than before,however if the dr had said loose 25 lbs i would have done whatever was neccessary i was so desperate to have the surgery and was determined not to let anything get in my way.I had heard that some drs will cancell surgery if the patient did not loose the prescribed amount before the surgery date and i did not want to be one of those.especially since i fought with my ins co.for 7 months was denied,appealed and won the appeal.I am a success story lost 265 lbs and have keep it off for over 5 yrs.I am not walking in your shoes but beside u, in my shoes offering advice u asked for I wish u well there is a multitude of help and support here and other places but it all starts by coming from within your own mindset and that has to come from You.Good Luck I hope we hear from you lots.Bette
   — Bette Drecktrah

March 20, 2009
I did a 1000 cal lean cuisine 350 per meal u need to make sure portion size is for 1 or cut it in half I also did 1/2 c cooked or 2 cup not cooked vegies sugar free anything as much as u want 1 90 cal yogurt or 1/2 fruit this helped so much then I di da liquid diet 2 weeks prior myself I lost 25 pounds u can do it best of luck Tammi
   — Tammi Sandoval

March 21, 2009
Many docs start their pre ops on liquid diets for weeks! More power to those that have did it and lived thru it. It can't be all that hard since so many of you all did it and succeeded! Try it if you can...I barely made it thru 2 days of a liquid diet once! LOL And that was AFTER surgery! I'm so weak! So....if you do end up eating food just make it veggie, or protein...veggie for low cals and low carbs and baked. boiled or broiled meats for high proteins! Soups and LOTS of water...Drink right before and during and after meals to help you fill up...After surgery you cannot drink 30 minutes b efore or after meals...but until; surgery it's a GREAT way to fill up faster...Try not to skip meals (especially if you are doing the liquids faithfully) AT least 3 times a day and watch those calories before you start drinking inbetween meals...Make sure you are not doing too many protein drinks and mixing it up with low cal soups and yogurts and SF puddings and SF popsicles...In other words watch you daily calories as well. Even liquids and soft food can add up! Kick up the exercise as well...even if you just make it a point to walk and extra flight of stairs or park in the further parking spaces or just stand rather than sit...use hand weights while watching TV...Stand up during every TV commercial and stretch/sit ups/push up/leg lifts...Anything is better than nothing! Just fidgeting about can cut 300 calories a day! I am a huge fidget'er! I cannot sit still for ANYTHING! I bounce off the walls! It helps!
   — .Anita R.

March 21, 2009
I had my surgical consultation 1-14th and Dr. Houston said he wasn't going to give me a set amount, and he only required 2days pre-op liquids but he wanted me to lose as much as possible. I was totally sedentary so I started to the YMCA to swim (almost died doing three laps the first day) and prior to my 3-9-09 surgery date I was swimming 20laps (1000meters)and had switched to high protein low carb most days, I wasn't perfect by a long shot but the combination was enough to get 22pounds off in 54 days. When I came out of surgery he told me the liver was out of the way, the intestines were loose enough to pull up to the pouch without much pressure so he didn't have to leave a drain in. I'm saying all this to let you know there is no right way to do it just get started. I had been working on my packet for the insurance company for three months but had given up on my prior diet before that. Had I just started exercise/diet once I decided I wanted surgery I could have been down 40-50 pounds pre-op. I procrastinated. But that is the past and I did start once he kicked my butt gently and it really made surgery a much less painful experience than I anticipated. Hang in there. Good luck Kevin
   — hapkidodoc

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