Has anyone had pain in their left side three months after surgery

Its been three months now since I had surgery. Last week I tried pot salad. I got sick and threw up. Since then, once in a while I will experience pain in a small spot on my left side. It feels like a bruise but coming from the inside not the outside. I see my doctor tomorrow, I just wanted to see if anyone else has experience this.    — barfiep01 (posted on April 17, 2007)

April 17, 2007
Maybe you pulled a muscle when you were vomiting. Be sure to ask your doctor tomorrow when you see him/her.
   — Kari_K

April 17, 2007
Not so much pain, as discomfort on the left side. When I asked my surgeon, he said that is where my new stomach was - when I showed him where. I get that feeling when I eat something I am trying of the first time and doesn't agree with me or if I extend a bit and eat too much.
   — jammerz

April 17, 2007
I am 4 months out and I know exactly what pain you're talking about! When I was about 3 weeks post-op I lifted my 3-yr-old without thinking and tore some internal stitches and ever since then whenever I vomit (not too often) or lift something heavier than usual I get that soreness for a day or so. But right after surgery it was a tearing, burning pain. Now it just feels like a pulled muscle or bruise. But ask your Dr anyway, they will know for sure. :) best wishes!
   — airbear762000

April 17, 2007
HEY! Isn't pot illegal???!!?? hahahahahahaha a lot of people have a hard time passing pots, rice and pastas....that could be the problem...see the doc! Stop eating pot
   — LouAB

April 18, 2007
Hi Patricia, congratulations on being 3 months out. I hope your weight loss is good. I do understand what you are saying about the pain in your side. I have had a pain/discomfort on my left side for most of my 3 years post op. They scoped me a few times, I do have an ulcer that I take protonix for, and at one point they removed a nodgil in the area, but after a time the discomfort returned, so I am not sure the nodgil was the primary source. What I think is it is a combination of an ulcer that I won't ever be able to get rid of (or so it seems, I have been taking medication for about 2 1/2 years for this ulcer, and whenever I stop, it does return), and I think that perhaps when they did the original wls procedure that somehow the tissue was damaged in that small area and won't ever be the same. I have learned to live with the discomfort. I don't know if eating potatoe salad had anything to do with your pain, that could be anything, too big of a chunk of food in your pouch, to not ready for the may and spice mix that it has. One time you may be able to eat something, and another time it doesn't settle right. Don't take that with alarm, it is part of wls. Chew slowly, and if something doesn't settle right, leave it alone for months or forever. There is a wide variety of foods to choose from. Some of your favorites may not be favorite any more. Hope this helps, I would be interested in hearing what your doctor thinks about the pain in your left side. My surgeon is a very good surgeon, and I do believe she has done everything possible to help me without reservation. I just think this will be some sort of souvigner from my wls surgery to continually remind me of why I did this and to keep on the right way. Take care, and please let me know how things turned out for you today. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

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