What is the post surgery diet consist of?

Did anyone out there try the Ensure flavored drinks in those small cans? I'm looking to view a sample diet. I am looking forward to the Lapband. Thanks    — Ladyonyx257 (posted on October 29, 2006)

October 29, 2006
Marlene, I grabbed my protein shake list that the nutritionist gave ms and EUSURE and BOOST are weight gain shakes -- those are to be avoided. Look for proten shakes that have less than 200 calories, 15-30 grams of protenin and no more than 5 grams of sugar. For example she sites the following as acceptable protein shakes: Atkins Slimfast Low Carb EAS Advant Edge Carb Solutions Sugar-free Carnation INstant Breakfast Danno Carb Control Smoothie Or Make your own shakes with 1 cup of lowfat milk, water, or soymilk, 1 scoop of protein powder, 1/4 cup fruit (strawberries, blueberries, banana), and a samll handful of ice. Optional ingredients you can add for flavor are vanilla, mint or hazelnut extracts or law carb yogurt. Source: Sloan Mendelsohn, M.S., R.D Greater Baltimore Bariatric Clinic
   — the7thdean

October 29, 2006
I am going to try the ready to drink extreme smoothies, available individually at or at vitamin shoppe. Also Trader Joe's has one called Pure Protein that's supposed to be good. I purchased a fake magic bullet and will keep that at work for morning shakes. If you can get one down in the morning and one in the afternoon that's 50+ grams of protein, plus yogurt, cheese, milk well you can easily do it!
   — Sheri A.

October 29, 2006
Our Nut told us not to drink anything like Ensure due to the high sugar content. This is the time to read your ingredients on the items you will be allowed to eat. Because you are having the Lapband it may be different for you, just make sure you are eating to lose weight. Watch your sugar intake as much as possible to have success. This is the time to change your eating habits and giving up on the sugar would be a great advantage to you.
   — bubblegumgirl

October 29, 2006
Stay away from the Ensure as others have stated. Go to They have some samples that you can buy and try to see if you like. I use the Matrix 5.0 chocolate warm and cold and Nectar Strawberry-Kiwi with Crystal light Strawberry-Kiwi and Nectar Fuzzy Navel with CL Orange.
   — ccstann

October 31, 2006
I have found that Profect and Unjury are my favorites. I had a hard time finding one the did not smell like calf milk replacement formula.
   — judchastain

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