Any Good Tips during Recovery from Lap RNY?

Hi all- I finally had my lap RNY last Friday and am on day 6. I spent 2 days in the hospital and am finding that being cooped up at home is difficult. I am very much a "type A" and am starting to get really bored! I'm still on soft foods until next Friday and am walking around quite well. I get tired, however, much more quickly! I still have to be home for 2 more weeks before I can go back to work. Does anyone have any suggestions for some good at-home low energy projects after surgery...because I am ready to pull my hair out! I cannot survive another Matlock re-run! Help! ;o) !!!    — amysocko (posted on July 13, 2006)

July 13, 2006
I was like you. BORED SILLY. Walked every day by a week did over a mile. Use care if its very hot in your area. Returned to work part time, out of boredom. Follow your doctors orders but walking is health and good for you
   — bob-haller

July 13, 2006
jigsaw puzzles. I bought ones that matched things in my house and when I was done, I got craft glue and spread it all over the top, let it dry, turned it over did the back and then nailed it on the wall with tiny nails. They make great decorations, or even frame it. :-) Good luck on your recovery, I know how boring it can get. I'm 9 wks out.
   — sarahp1101

July 13, 2006
Do you do anything crafty? Organize a room, maybe?
   — lkirshstein

July 13, 2006
Organize the family photographs or scrap booking
   — Kim T.

July 13, 2006
ever try sewing or knitting. I like to do both theres nothing like seeing youre finished product. maria
   — MARIA F.

July 13, 2006
I read lots of books and had bought tons of DVD's to watch. Also caught up on my e-mail and research online related to my surgury about food ideas when I could eat the real stuff.
   — Deborah Joyner

July 14, 2006
I am arely bored, and can always find ten things I should do as well as ten i want to do! I suggest you find a project to do . Read that book you have been meaning to read. Take that class you wanted to take. Work on your webpage (if you don't have one, teach yourself how to code HTML and create one at yahoo geocities). Exercise. Take up a craft. Go through those pictures you have been wanting to go through, and organize them into scrapbooks. Build a model ariplane. Play computer or video games. Find something you like, and work on it.
   — Novashannon

July 15, 2006
I used those quiet moments after surgery to focus on starting to examine why I needed gastric bypass surgery. I kept a journal to help organize my thoughts. Also, I tried to read as much as I could about my surgery just to have a better sense of how it was going to work for me.
   — SteveColarossi

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