Bariatric Advantage chewable calcium...has anyone tried it? If so, what flavor?

I checked the product review section and no one has written any reviews of this product.    — mmcphee1 (posted on February 8, 2006)

February 8, 2006
hey i tried the chocolate one and it isn't to bad maybe just a little dry if that makes sense.good luck donna
   — donna m

February 8, 2006
I really like the chocolate and the cinnamon. I also get the mint sometimes but the other ones are better.
   — IAmErikka

February 8, 2006
I hated them. They are huge. Bigger than a quarter and about half and inch thick. Yuck. I use Tropical Oasis liquid calcium from Tastes like orange. Calcium citrate, orange flavored. One tbsp is 1200 mg.
   — Heather H.

February 8, 2006
Yes. I love the cinnamon. I have also tried the mint. But what many people don't realize is you don't chew them. You suck on this like a piece of candy. They are a lozenge. If you like hard cinnamon candy you will love the cinnamon. I fell like I am cheating on my dieting when I take them.
   — Patricia C.

February 8, 2006
Hi Mary! I use the chocolate version, and while they took a little getting used to, I actually like them better than any of the liquids I have tried. I use them as a type of dessert, keeping them in my mouth and sucking on them until they dissolve. This can take a while, but it does feel like a chocolate goodie to me. Good luck to you!-Pam
   — pjwilsen

February 9, 2006
I am not normally a cinnamon type person but these ROCK!!! I tried the chocolate one and wasn't nearly as impressed. They are loaded with calcium and it only takes 2 a day! Its kind of like eating a tums, but with a little cinnamon kick to it.
   — danabky

February 9, 2006
I like to use the chocolate and mint together as a combo. Like another poster said - they are a lozenge to be sucked on, not chewed. The cinnamon is really good if you REALLY love cinnamon. Reminds me of a cinnamon Altoid!
   — Terri S.

February 9, 2006
I used to like these until someone on the boards recommended: BuildingBlocks Chewable Calcium Citrate contains 600 IU vitamin D for enhanced absorption. Daily serving size contains 1000 mg of elemental calcium in six "Quick Dissolve" great tasting chocolate flavored tablets. They taste better to me. Now, citrical makes a smaller pill to swallow, so sooner than later, I may be trying those!
   — kittycathy64

February 9, 2006
I take the cinnamon one and I like them. Havent tried the chocolate or mint. Sue
   — Sue C

February 9, 2006
I purchased the chocholate after I discovered the calcium citrate chewables made me nauseous after surgery. Well the chocholate ones from Bariatric Eating also made me nauseous. So I now take two tums a day at the recommendation of my doctor and have no problems.
   — Tina G.

February 10, 2006
Although my main source of cal citrate is capsules, I am totally addicted to the cinnamon ones. I could snack on these like candy. Have to restrain myself. The choco ones were ok, but a bit grittier. Didn't care for the mint, personally.
   — vitalady

February 10, 2006
I love the mint ones! I have always been a breath ment kind of person, before WLS I was always sucking altoids or other types of Mints, the mint flavored calcium has now taken the place of the others. I wouldn't recommend chewing them, they are best if sucked on. If you chew them they end up being kinda chalky/dry tasting.
   — Jewel

February 11, 2006
Cinnamon is really good, like candy!
   — sor09

February 17, 2006
Um, ladies . . . suck on 'em if you like, but it's fine to chew them! Calcium is not sublingual or anything . . . it's absorbed just as well when chewed as when sucked.
   — rayehawk

February 17, 2006
I've been taking Bariatric Advantage chewables since my surgery and i prefer the Cinnamon flavor but the mint isnt bad. I tend to suck on them..........just cause i like the flavor but you can chew them.
   — SlNsWithin

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