One month post op and I have severe heartburn after meals I have to wallk

and belch for at least an hour to get rid of it. Will this get better?    — PAULA B. (posted on July 1, 2002)

July 1, 2002
What kind of surgery did you have? Are you transected? There usually is not acid or bile in the pouch with a std RNY.
   — vitalady

July 1, 2002
I had open rny on 5-29-02.
   — PAULA B.

July 1, 2002
I am 8 weeks post op and still experience heartburn and belching. It has gotten better in the last week or so. I need to have something in my stomach every few hours. If I don't eat for a few hours I get heartburn really bad when I do eat. Perhaps taking two Tums about a half hour before you eat will help. It has for me.
   — horse1

July 1, 2002
My DR gave me previsid for the first month. Ask your DR what he usese in these situations
   — Robert L.

July 1, 2002
Hi Paula, I agree that asking your doc is a good idea, but I thought I would share my 2 cents. My doc ( Dr. Cahill Evergreen Park IL) Has everyone take 2 pepcid AC's in the am and the pm for the first 12 weeks or so. This has really helped and I have noticed a difference when I forget to take them. Just a thought. Hope it helps:) By the way, I had surgery 4/29/02 so we are close time wise.
   — Tracey L.

July 1, 2002
I've noticed that whenever I eat just a little bit too much, I get a feeling like heartburn. It might not be the same as what you have, but maybe try eating a little bit less next time and see if it helps.
   — Jennifer Y.

July 1, 2002
Get some prevcid (sp?) from your doc... you'll be LOTS better!! :~)
   — Sharon M. B.

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