I am 6 month out and lost 100lbs. But I am getting worried that I will not lose

anymore weight I know I will. But I still get nervous. Does any one feel the same.    — jenwalton16 (posted on July 27, 2009)

July 27, 2009
I think you should be very happy !! 100 pounds wow in six months give yourself a chance "lol" I think most people would be very very happy. Wait and see where you are in three months from now !!!!!!!!!!!
   — matigian

July 27, 2009
I am 11 months out, I've lost 80 of the 100 lbs I wanted to lose. I am nervous that I won't lose more. I am nervous about the lecture I may get at my one year post-op appointment. Yet I am happy with the loss so far and just try to stay focused on maintaining my loss, if nothing else.
   — RMO1972

July 27, 2009
Your body might be at the weight in which it should be. So you might not lose anymore, but if you maintain the same amount of calories each day, you will maintain the same weight. If you lower your calorie intake and bump up your excercise you can try that, if it doesn't work. Then you are probably done with your w/l beside one hundred pounds is a huge accomplishment. Most doctors just kinda go by a chart as to what we should weigh. You may also be at a plateau right now, where your body is finally catching up with itself. Sounds funny, but true. take care
   — Kristy

July 27, 2009
Hello Karen, It is okay to be nervous. It is also okay to be so excited over losing 100 pounds. I don't know your original weight or your longterm goal, so your 100 pounds might not mean the same as everybody else's 100 pounds. So, enjoy your magnificent achievement. Keep true to your program-wait 1 hour for liquids after a meal, exercise, eat your protein, don't snack, get support, etc. I am almost 2 years out and have lost a little over 100 pounds-size 26 to a size 8, but now is where I am having to be extra diligent and having to rely on the habits I established early on. Good luck to you. I tend to worry about EVERYTHING, so I do understand. For me, I have had so much more failure in my 49 years, so I'm always waiting for the shoe to fall. I was ecstatic when I reached a size 14 and could have stayed there and felt succcessful. Now, I'm thrilled to be in an 8. I don't know what surgery you've had, but you've done fabulous thus far. Keep up the great work!!!
   — gouldsfiya

July 28, 2009
I am almost 7 months post RNY (my surgery was Jan 8, 2009). I went from 286 down to 185. I was stuck at 190 for weeks, but just started losing again. You are probably at a plateau, and the weight may start to gradually come off instead of the fast weight loss you had the first six months. I didn't think I was going to lose anymore, but sure enough, another five lbs dropped off me. Good luck!
   — Lyndsay30

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