When did your surgeon or other M.D. ok birth crontrol pills??

Hello, I am 2 1/2 weeks post op or so. I used to take lo ovral birth control pills(low dose estrogen) for many years prior to surgery and then was taken off 3 weeks pre op. I have not taken them since because they told me to be off them for a little while. The problem is I am afraid of becoming pregnant and obviously do not want to be because I just had this surgery,etc. I want to be responsible. I used to use the pills and also use condoms just to be double safe. However I trust the pills more than the condoms. What do I do? I plan to call my surgeons office and check with them..but besides abstinence..what did your doctor suggest? I also use the pills to regulate my period and since not being on them it has been irregular and not much fun! I took blood thinners for 10days post op(gave myself injections) as a precaution to prevent blood clots as told by my surgeon. I recently started to see my sons father once again and just want to be safe and responsible. Can anyone help or share? Much appreciated!    — aidenswings (posted on July 19, 2009)

July 19, 2009
my dr. told me that the pill might not work as well as it did before surgery and to find something else. i had an iud before and kept it in after the surgery just because im scared and dont want any more little one right now lol. make sure you stick with the condoms till you can get in and figure something else out....good luck
   — esty

July 19, 2009
I feel the same way.... the pill I trust.. condoms not soo much... my doctor took me off 2 weeks before and said that I could start 1 month after. In response to the above response about the pill might not work... I have looked into this a lot and haven't found a definite answer...neither my gynecologist nor my surgeon see this as a problem, my gynecologist put me on a chewable pill to make sure it would be easier for me ... the only thing that I was told is to make sure that you take it religiously at the same time every day.... that you may become more fertile as you lose so you should use another method just in case (that means condoms... at least for me) But with all that being said ask your doctor what he/she recomends.... there seems to be a lot of debate over the pill after wls..... (a friend who is 2 yrs post op has used the pill and so far so good... if that is of any comfort/help)
   — wendy-s

July 19, 2009
This doesn't have anything at all to do with WLS and birth control.... but I used an IUD for almost 17 years without any ill effects. If this is something you would consider, it might be the answer to your problems.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

July 19, 2009
my doctor advised me that birth control pills are a). perfectly safe and b). still effective after RNY. i was on the week of inactive pills when i had my surgery and went back on it two days later (i ground the pill up in a pill crusher). i personally would not get an IUD. i WOULD like to get essure but i'm not too keen on having metal coils placed up there, but i am afraid that soon i will be too old for birth control pills. i do kind of like being on the pill because my period is SO light. good luck!
   — greenpunchbuggie

July 20, 2009
I approved to start my birth control pills again at the one month mark. There are those out there that like the IUD, and it works great for them. I tried the IUC, the plastic one with the hormones in it; Mirena. I did not like it at all, I could feel it in my cervix all the time. I had it removed. I have two friends who have done the IUD and gotten pregnant. I know that happens all the time on the IUD, it is just supposed to prevent implantation. Unfortunately for both of my friends implantation happened. In both cases they had to have the IUD removed. One lost her baby, the other now has an adorable set of healthy twin boys. My point is, nothing is 100%...well other than abstinence.
   — lmw9674

July 20, 2009
First off - you are more susceptible to becoming PG after surgery. Your hormones are being released back into your body from your fat cells. I was on the depo shot (every 3 months) prior to surgery - during surgery and post surgery. In fact, my 3 months were up and I had a shot 1.5 weeks post surgery. My surgeon was fine with it all. My husband and I do not want children. So it was important enough for us to abstain from sex. We did for 6 months. Sounds like a long time, but truly it went by very quickly. It also allowed us to experiment with other types of sexual enjoyment (for both of us). Plus at the end of the 6 months - it was a big accomplishment and we were both rewarded, it was great, like dating for the first time again after so long. LOL. It was almost the best thing we did for our relationship. We realized that although sex is a big part of our relationship - that just being intimate with each other - holding hands while watching TV, having in-depth conversations about life in general while lying in bed at 2 in the morning. Etc. We realized that being friends is just as important as being lovers. Sounds like you are starting to date again, so it might be hard to put the kabosh on the whole sex thing. I would suggest (if OK with your PCP or surgeon) go back on the pill, give it a month or two and then still use a condom. Good luck.
   — jammerz

July 21, 2009
My doctor took me off the pill 30 days prior to surgery and wouldn't allow me start back up until 90 days after surgery.
   — dnefews

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