Had anyone developed red, itchy rash after surgery???

I'm 10 days post-op and have developed a red, itchy rash all over back, thighs and hips. I initially thought it was from pain meds but haven't taken them in 6 only prescription is Nexium, I also take a multi-vitamin, calcium, iron and b-12. I called my Dr and he told me to start taking benadryl....I've gone thru 4 tubes of ointment and have been taking benadryl for 4 days!! Please help, the itch is driving me MAD....    — Stop Sharing_1976 (posted on March 28, 2009)

March 28, 2009
There is nothing specific to the surgery that should do that but everyone is individual. You need to have the rash looked at by your doctor to see if there is anything specific that they can do to get you some relief. Otherwise the Benedryl is as good as anything else. Kevin
   — hapkidodoc

March 28, 2009
It might actually be a reaction to one of the vitamins. Is there anything you are taking now that you weren't before? I don't mean you should stop taking your vitamins, by any means, but perhaps try a different brand.
   — agwc

March 28, 2009
Depending on the pain meds you were taking,for example, any of the "codone" family(lortab/hydrocodone or percocet/oxycodone) this may be the problem. I get the red itchy rash from them all the time and feel like my scalp is crawling. Unfortunately, I HAVE to take them due to an accident I had. My pain management specialist said "just take Benadryl with them and it will help". So that is what I have been doing and in about a week or two my rash went away. The codones are histamines and they will make you itch if you have any allergy problems whatsoever but the histamine is what dulls your pain. Hope this helps!!
   — CAMFR

March 28, 2009
I also developed a rash. It started on by stomach with redness around each incision. I had lap RNY. All of my incisions were glued. At first I thought it was a reaction to the glue, except that I had had my ovaries removed 4 mo. earlier and that also was a lap surgery and those healed incisions were also reddened. It then spread over my whole abdomen and became very dry. It was a raised rash. My Dr. saw it and didn't have any idea what it was from but wasn't concerned. It took about a month for it to completely go away. I just kept it moisturized. Lana
   — lmayes58

March 29, 2009
I had a terrible itchy rash all over (I thought I had poison Ivy, but hadn't been exposed to it!) I think it may have POSSIBLY been from the prevacid solutabs, so I switched to Omeprazole... Then a few months after, I saw a show about extreme dieting, and one of the girls broke out in a rash just like mine, and the doctors on the show said hers was a stress response. Makes ya wonder!
   — amber T.

March 29, 2009
Thanks so much for your answers. I'm almost to the point where I want to go to the ER.... but I don't want them to give me something that would damage my new pouch. I looked up the side affects from nexium....and low and behold (itchy, red rashes,etc)!! That would explain why I'm not getting better, I take it everyday. I will try hard to make it thru the day and go to see my Dr. in the morning.
   — Stop Sharing_1976

March 29, 2009
From what you described I suspect Pityriasis Rosacea, commonly called Christmas Tree Rosaeca, yes it is itchy and effects the trunk of the body. Look at these pages and see if it resembles what you described. Other than the maddening itch it is not contagious and there is no known cause. I have had it and I also have psoraisis so my dermotologist treated it with erithymicin and phototheapry, it still took 3 to 4 weeks to run it's course. Susan
   — Hoot

March 29, 2009
I had this after my surgery 3 years ago. It was an allergic reaction to the antibiotic they put me on after the surgery. It took 10+ days to clear up and lots of Benedryl. I had not had a reaction to any antibiotic before this but since my WLS I had a hysterectomy and this happened again and it was linked to penecillan based anitbiotics in my case. I feel for you.....the itching was horrible! Hope this helps. Happy recovery :)
   — DavisDeb

March 29, 2009
If you were given pain med like morphine while in the hospital, a lot of people will get an itchy rash from it. Mine covered my torso and eventually broke out on every part of my body...even my scalp and hands. I did this for about 1 month. The best thing for this is liquid Atarax. Benadryl wouldn't touch it. Ask your doc to prescribe this to you. It's similar to Benadryl but, just enought different that it works. I was miserable until I got that stuff.
   — sissystone

March 30, 2009
Dermatitis is somewhat common after WLS...It is a symptom of malabsorption and maldigestion. Contact dermatitis is also common...Some people who are severely carb sensitive become allergic to wheat and other allergens that they normally were fine with before surgery. I've heard many complaints about this...But I have no idea how to treat it or if it goes away after time...One deficiency I know of off hand that is famous for skin trouble is Zinc...but you need to get it checked out by a doc and get some good meds to help! Good luck!
   — .Anita R.

April 1, 2009
Yes, I did,and it drove me bananas! I got it whike in the hsopital and they found I was having a reaction to the pain meds. Benedryl worked for me.
   — whispering-thoughts

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